Reacting to the Reader Sacrificing Themselves For Them

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(Gender ambiguous).

Includes: Joseph Frost (1), Jill Valentine (Revelations), Chris Redfield (6), Brad Vickers (3 REmake), Barry Burton (Gaiden), Albert Wesker (Umbrella Chronicles).

Warnings: blood, gore, death.


Joseph Frost:

Arklay Mountains. It's the evening of July 24, 1998. Led by Captain Wesker, you and four other members of the S.T.A.R.S. Alpha team are searching for signs of Bravo team and pilot Kevin Dooley, with whom contact was lost the day prior.

You trudge through the tall grass, gun unholstered and flashlight scanning over every dark shape in your path.

A persistent sense of unease hangs in the air. You'd be hard-pressed to think of another time you've felt so on edge while on the job.

There's shifting behind you. You whip your head around.

Joseph is standing there with his gun. "Jumpy?" he teases half-heartedly. You roll your eyes at him and resume what you were doing.

"Hey... wait a sec..." He motions for you to come over.

"What is it?" You point your light down as you approach. It catches a metal object laying in the grass between you. It's a gun. A standard-issue Beretta.

Joseph bends down to pick it up, which is when you realize that it's attached to something.


It's a hand.

A human hand with no human attached to it.

Joseph drops the severed part in shock. Both of you jolt away from it with a yelp.

Upon further inspection, realize that you know who it used to belong to. You recognize the fingerless glove and the wristwatch. They're part of a S.T.A.R.S. uniform. More specifically, the uniform of Edward Dewey from Bravo team.

For a moment, the only thing you can hear is the wind and your heart pounding in your ears. You can do nothing but stare in disbelief.

There have been a lot of deaths lately. Gruesome ones. You've seen the crime scene photos. You've seen the crime scenes. They're difficult to stomach. But the feeling that washes over you here and now is particularly visceral. Every last drop of blood in your body has run cold. You feel dangerously close to hurling.

Edward is someone you see almost every day. He...

He's a great man. A friend of yours.

He can't be...

You finally manage to tear your gaze away and look at Joseph.

"...Eddie can still be kicking," he says blankly. "Guy doesn't need both hands to live."


Yeah, Edward can still be out there. Alive. Hopefully. He's tough...


Is that...

...growling you're hearing?

Out of the corner of your eye, you realize something—multiple somethings are rapidly approaching. Joseph notices just a beat later than you do.

"Joey, watch out!" With all of your might, you shove your partner out of harm's way. He hits the ground.

A bloody creature collides with you, its sharp teeth sinking into the exposed skin of your forearm. You cry out, wrenching your arm to the side in a desperate attempt to make it release you. It does, tearing a chunk of flesh away in the process, and quickly latches back on.

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