Dating HCs About Elena Lupu

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(Gender ambiguous). 

Warnings: n/a


- Whenever she has to leave you, Elena likes to give you a lil' hand squeeze and a peck on the cheek.

- She has a nickname for you that no one else uses. It's pretty much the only thing she calls you. Unless she's rather upset with you.

- She loves taking morning or midday walks with you.

- Her love languages are quality time and acts of service.

- Elena almost always just... positively buries her face in the crook of your neck when she hugs you. She's also hardly ever the one to let go first.

- If you have hair that she can braid and stuff like that, Elena does enjoy doing that for you.

- She's a big fan of you putting an arm around her shoulders or waist when you two walk together.

- Elena likes to knit you stuff like sweaters, mittens, and scarves. While she can tell you that they're far from the most expertly knitted items around, they keep you warm and she made them with love, so who cares?

- If don't already know how to ride a horse, Elena would like to teach you. The Lupu family has a horse named Bogdan. He is... a special, important boy that Elena's known most of her life. She would like you to like him and vice versa.

- Elena has no preference when it comes to cuddling positions. As long as she's touching you in some way, she's content.

- Leonardo does not like you. He'll probably come around (eventually), but the moment that man figures out that you're his daughter's partner? He's just sort of... cold towards you.

- Elena is the type of person that will fist-fight another villager for you. She doesn't prefer to do it. She prefers to verbally de-escalate things. But if someone is about to hurt you? Elena can and will clock the aggressor in the face. She is a lot stronger than she looks, too. 

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