HCs About a First Kiss With Them Cont.

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(Gender ambiguous). 

Includes: Alcina Dimitrescu (Village) and Alex Wesker (Revelations 2).

Warnings: brief mention of sex.


Alcina Dimitrescu:

- Alcina has kissed you before. Not on the lips, though.

- This woman has kissed you on the cheek, forehead, temple, knuckles, shoulder, etc.

- She has laid with you more than once and still—

- You get the point.

- Lip kisses aren't something that Alcina will give just anybody. You must be someone truly special to her.

- It's late in the evening and the two of you are seated in front of one of the castle's many fireplaces, simply talking back and forth when Alcina cups your jaw and tilts your head back, pressing a kiss against your forehead.

- You smile up at her.

- She holds your gaze for a moment and returns the soft look.

- Then, the next thing you know, she's tipping your head back a little bit further, leaning down once more, and your sort of have this moment of oh??

It's hard to not be surprised in some capacity. It's hard to not smile into the kiss.

- Not that she isn't always when it comes to you, but Alcina is so very gentle that you just about melt.

- It's slow. It's meaningful. And by the end, you're wearing a decent amount of overly expensive, custom-made lipstick. 

Alex Wesker:

- It happens not too long after Alex finally accepts that she has genuine feelings for you.

- First, she has epiphany while she's sitting beside you: actively ignoring her feelings is distracting her from her work more than acting upon them would.

- Then, she decides to direct with you because she's already wasted enough time, and she doesn't have any more to spare being coy.

- ...Not that Alex would bother with being coy regardless.

- You ask if she wants anything to drink because you're about to go and grab something for yourself.

- She turns to look at you and bluntly says, "I want to kiss you."

- Now, given the fact that you thought any attraction between you and Alex to be one-sided, you are understandably taken aback.

- You remain locked halfway through the motion of getting up for a few seconds after the sentence finishes leaving her lips.

- Then, you sit yourself right back down.

- Alex initially cups your cheeks as she pulls you close, but one hand ends up migrating to the side of your neck and the other finds the slope of your shoulders.

- She pulls you flush against her.

- The kiss is rough.

- The end verges on abrupt and you're left craving more.

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