HCs About their Drunk S/O Mistaking them for an Intruder

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(Gender ambiguous). 

Includes: Carlos Oliveira (3 REmake) and Chris Redfield (5).

Warnings: n/a


Carlos Oliveira:

- It's kinda late.

- You're absolutely plastered.

- Carlos isn't home and you want to try and wait up for him. You flop down onto the couch, turn on the TV, and try to get yourself comfortable.

- Maybe a bit too comfortable. Not even minutes into the movie you decided to put on, you start to nod off despite your efforts not to.

- You're not quite asleep when Carlos returns, but you're teetering dangerously on the edge.

- He turns off the TV, deciding he'll carry you to bed after taking a quick shower and putting on some comfy clothes.

- As he heads for the bathroom, flicks on the light, and closes the door behind him, you stare with half-closed eyes, confused.

- In your drunken state, the first thought to slowly float through your brain is 'Who is that...?'

You then jump to the only logical conclusion: This is an intruder. One that's currently using your and Carlos' amenities!

- You clumsily stand, nearly tripping over the coffee table as you go to the bathroom.

- You press yourself up against the wall beside the door and wait.

- The shower turns off.

- A few minutes pass.

- The door opens.

- A figure steps into the doorway.

- You go in for the attack.

- Immediately, Carlos' instincts kick in. He steps back and assumes a defensive position, but he doesn't need to. You miss by quite a lot, doing a slight spin before falling face-first onto the carpet. It's unclear what exactly you were attempting in the first place.

- After the initial surprise wears off, his features twist in confusion and concern. "You alright? What're you doing?"

- You ignore him completely, latching onto one of his ankles as if it could possibly stop him from walking away. "Listen here, man." Your words are slurred and it immediately becomes obvious that you got too deep into the liquor cabinet. "If you think you can get away with breaking in here, you've got another thing coming. My boyfriend can kick your ass, and he's supposed to be home any minute now..."

- You're still on the offensive, but you're too inebriated to accomplish anything.

- Carlos bites back a laugh, amused by all of this. "Sure, babe. I'll kick my own ass."

- The words don't quite process. "...Huh?"

- He crouches down in front of you. "I'm your boyfriend, remember?"

- "Ohhh..."

- "Yeah." He picks you up and shoulders you. "Time for bed. You're wasted."

- "Am not."

- "Right. Sure."

- Once you're in bed and all cozied up, Carlos puts a glass of water and some Asprin on the nightstand beside you.

- You will be teased about this situation once you get some rest. And for a while after that. 

Chris Redfield:

- After spending a night hanging out with some friends, you get dropped off at your and Chris' shared apartment far more wasted than you have ever been before.

- Chris went downstairs upon realizing he forgot to check the mail, and you miss each other as you make your way up. As far as you're aware, you're about to be home alone as you close the door behind you.

- There are a few lights on, but you don't really think much of it.

- You take your coat off and just barely manage to remove your shoes.

- That's when Chris reaches the apartment. Ever the cautious man after all that he's experienced, he did go ahead and lock the door before stepping out.

- Your attention is quickly caught by the heavy footsteps in the hallway, and the audible fumbling of keys.

- This is just like a scene in one of the movies you watched with your friends, where the main character realizes some creep is trying to get into their place.

- The thought sort of freaks you out, so you immediately lock yourself in the bathroom you're currently standing in.

- Just before Chris can turn the door handle, his phone begins to ring.

- "Hello?"

- "Chris," you whisper, "someone is trying to break in."

- Instantly, he's asking you if you're okay.

- Chris is under the impression that you're still with your friends, so he's throwing open the door and hurrying around the apartment in an attempt to grab everything he needs to come to your aid.

- He's asking for more details. What exactly is happening? Where are you?

- You aren't being particularly helpful. You're hard to understand because you're crying, whispering, slurring, and panicking. But who can blame you? From your perspective, there's some stranger stomping around the apartment, moving things, and saying stuff that you can't make out.

- "You have to tell me where you are."

- "The bathroom," you sob out.

- "Where? What's the address?" Chris presses.

- "I'm at home!"

- After a moment, he pauses. He's standing there completely ready to leave as the words sink in.

- He says your name.

- "Yeah?"

- "Nobody broke in. It's me."

- "Are you sure?"

- "I'm sure." He heads over to the bathroom and convinces you to come out.

- You're still a mess, so he takes you into his arms and spends some time reassuring you.

- Then, he guides you to the bed. He'll put on a show you like or something. You can watch it with him until you fall asleep.

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