Meeting a Reader Who Knew them Before they Received their Cadous

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(Gender ambiguous).

Includes: Bela Dimitrescu (Village), Cassandra Dimitrescu (Village), and Daniela Dimitrescu (Village).

Reader broke into Castle Dimitrescu to kill the daughters, but can't go through with it after recognizing them.

Warnings: blood, violence, injury, and death.


Bela Dimitrescu:

- There lives a father and his son not far from you. The son, Corvus, is a close friend of yours and you know his father well.

- A third family member used to live with them, but she ended up at Castle Dimitrescu. Utterly determined for her to return home, Corvus ended up sneaking around outside of the estate the other day, something which you only found out after he showed up on your doorstep in the middle of the night.

- Frantic, Corvus shook you by your shoulders and told you that he had found a good way to sneak inside, that he had also heard a very familiar voice from behind a window. He told you that it sounded like your lady.

- Your lady had vanished a long time ago. The voice had been muffled, but he was almost certain.

- Was it foolish to break into Castle Dimitrescu based on somewhat flimsy evidence? Perhaps. But even after the months and years that had passed, not one went by where you didn't think of your lady and miss her. Although the chances were slim to none, you never stopped clinging to hope that she was still alive out there somewhere.

- And when you heard the claim that she might be? You decided that you have to find out for yourself.

- At the moment, you're alone, separated from those you arrived with. Corvus' father has lent you a gun. The sun has set hours ago and the castle feels empty, your footfalls feel far too loud despite your efforts to keep quiet.

- A door creaks open somewhere behind you.

- A fly buzzes past your head. Two flies. Three.

- You whip around, raising your weapon.

- You're...

- You're looking at the face of your lady. You feel as though you've forgotten how to breathe.

- Gone are the soft brown of her eyes and locks, though. Instead, there's piercing gold staring you down with vicious glee and flaxen tresses falling past your lady's shoulders, part of which has been shorn off, better displaying the long scar going from her hairline towards the back of her skull.

- "Such a handsome face..."

- You tentatively utter her name, but she doesn't react to it.

- Your lady doesn't even seem to recognize you.

- Her lips split into a grin. There's blood all over her face that you have the feeling isn't hers. "I can't wait to cut it open."

- Suddenly, your lady dissolves into a swarm of bugs. Your brain doesn't even get the chance to begin to process that before she's reforming in front of you and there's a flash of metal.

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