Dating HCs Cont.

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(Fem reader).

Includes: Carlos Oliveira (3 REmake), Joseph Frost (1 REmake), Chris Redfield (1 REmake), Forest Speyer (0), Edward Dewey (0), Richard Aiken (1 REmake), Brad Vickers (3 Nemesis), and Billy Coen (0).

Warnings: n/a


Carlos Oliveira:

- Carlos is a big fan of doing the simple things with you, such as grocery shopping. (Would you be surprised if I told you that he likes to carry all of the bags himself? He wants to show off to you).

- He enjoys taking you to fairs and carnivals for dates. He's determined to win you a prize every time, of course.

 - Also loves a classic dinner and movie date.

- While it's not something Carlos would ever go out and do himself, I firmly believe that if you wanted to get a manicure/pedicure, he'd join you.

- He gets it if it isn't your thing, but he'd love to go to the gym/jogging with you.

- The man is a real romantic. The kind of guy to leave you a trail of rose petals when you get home. 

Joseph Frost:

- Joseph's idea of a fun date is simply playing some video games with you. Break out the Playstation or N64!

- Alternatively, gathering an absurd amount of snacks and drinks, getting under a blanket, and watching a flick. Joseph will watch any genre, but he prefers horror, and his favorite horror movie is Cujo. Don't worry, he'll hold you if you get scared ;)

- Joseph is big on out of the blue dates.

- Maybe when you guys are both free in the morning, you can hit a doughnut shop together. Joseph knows a place where they're heavenly.

- You can bet your ass that if he ever catches wind of a magic show happening, he's taking you to it. He will beg you to go with him. Joseph loves magic,,, so much.

- You can also bet that every time he learns a new trick, he'll try to impress you with it.

- If you're dating this man, you better expect a semi-decent amount of light and loving teasing.

Chris Redfield:

- Like Joey, generally speaking, Chris is a fan of spontaneous dates.

- He's fond of driving around with you with no particular destination in mind. Pit stops to get food and/or makeout are optional, but preferred.

- Sometimes you go on nature trails or small hikes together.

- There's a drive-in movie theater he likes taking you to.

- Please let Chris take you fishing. Or just like... out on the lake together. He loves the water.

- Maybe you could go to a baseball game with him? Or a hockey game?

- Man loves seeing you in his clothes. Please wear his things.

Forest Speyer:

- Please let him take you out on his motorcycle. Forest loves riding around while you have your arms wrapped around his middle.

- There are hole-in-the-wall restaurants around the city he enjoys taking you to. They're special to him and it's like he's letting you in on a secret.

- He likes to hit the bar with you.

- Also, partying. There is a decent chance that Joseph and/or Chris will make an appearance as well.

- He usually sings along to the radio and tries to get you to join him. It's okay if you can't sing well, Forest can't really either.

- Forest will a hundred percent take you to a shooting range as a date. And he'll teach you how to use a gun if you don't already know how.

Edward Dewey:

- As far as dates go, Edward's favorite type is simply taking you to sit-down restaurants.

- Also, places where he can dance with you, of course. He isn't big on clubs (they're just... a lot), so he finds other places. Oftentimes you two just dance in the living room with the radio playing in the background.

- He loves cooking and baking with you. On occasion, you have a small picnic together afterward.

- He takes you to museums. Art, history, science, etc. Take your pick!

- You go to random one-time classes together. Like pottery or woodworking.

- He enjoys braiding your hair. If he can and you'll allow him, that is.

- Edward is the kind of guy to get you flowers every now and again just because, or see something in a shop that reminds him or you buy it as a surprise. 

Richard Aiken:

- Richard often enjoys surprising you with dates.

- He loves going swimming with you at the lake.

- He likes taking you to the Racoon City Zoo.

- Also, to the bowling alley. Better prepare yourself, though, Richie is a good bowler.

- Will you stargaze with him? And maybe do a bit of cuddling?

- Firmly believe Richard would want to share a milkshake with you. Sitting beside you/across from you in a restaurant, two straws, sharing fond looks, the whole shebang.

- He'd probably take you to a roller rink, too.

- He gives great shoulder massages, I think.

Brad Vickers:

- Brad is the sort of guy who likes to play board games with you as a date. And they're usually ones you've never even heard of.

- He also enjoys simple coffee shop dates.

- And going on little walks with you. Especially during autumn.

- You both like to do this thing where you go to a shopping outlet or mall together, separate, buy something you think the other person will like, and then meet up and present it to see the reaction.

- More than anything, Brad's content to simply cuddle and talk while the TV plays in the background.

- If you call him cute, adorable, or anything similar, he never fails to get flustered.

- Maybe once a week, Brad picks up food on his way home from work and you have a lil' candlelit dinner at home. 

Billy Coen:

- I think I've already said this before, but Billy prefers more relaxed activities. He's had more than enough excitement in his life already.

- Whenever he goes poking around the wilderness and finds a nice spot, he likes to go back to it with you.

- Can you watch the sunset with him?

- He enjoys just sitting outside the house with you and chilling. Perhaps with a bit of alcohol.

- This man... is a tired man. Let him take a nap with you, please.

- There's a middle-of-nowhere diner you two end up becoming regulars at. 

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