Reacting to Their S/O Having a Near-Death Experience Cont.

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(Gender ambiguous).

Includes: Daniela Dimitrescu (Village), Mother Miranda (Village), Lucas Baker (7 Biohazard), and Mia Winters (7 Biohazard).

Warnings: Murder, blood, gore.


Daniela Dimitrescu:

- "I love you. So much," Daniela murmurs against your lips, hands cradling your face.

- "I love you too." You give her another kiss, which she wastes no time in deepening.

- Cassandra groans, "Ugh, you two make me sick." Without warning, she grabs a fistful of her younger sister's cloak and yanks. Daniela lets out a little yelp of surprise as she's pulled away from you. Cassandra starts walking off, dragging her along. "I'd like to get started before sundown."

- "It's not even noon yet," Daniela whines.

- "I know."

- Just before they both disappear around the corner, Daniela blows you a kiss. "Bye, darling!"

- You give her a small wave and a see you later.

- Hours pass by. You manage to get done some things you had been meaning to do, spend even longer doing nothing, and read a bit before deciding to get up and take a walk around the castle.

- Aside from the occasional maid you encounter on your path, you're all alone.

- You come to a stop at one of the windows and gaze out of it. In your opinion, it has one of the best views of the village.

- It's a gorgeous day outside. The sun has finally chased away the last lingering chill of winter. You think about asking Daniela if she wants to go out later. Perhaps for a stroll. Or to simply sit and talk...

- The floor creaks behind you.

- You quickly turn your head, being greeted with a stone-faced member of the maid staff and the glint of a boning knife coming toward you.

- You just barely catch the weapon by the blade before it can sink into your chest. Your hands quickly grow slick with blood from the cuts you're now sporting.

- The maid is pushing, pushing, and pushing for her weapon to make contact.

- Finally, it does.

- You drop down onto the floor and it only grazes the slope of your shoulder.

- The maid wastes no time in trying to stab you again. It's nothing personal. Not really.

- You scramble away from her, get onto your feet, and run.

- She chases after you. She's going to get the revenge she wants. She's going to make Lady Daniela hurt.

- She's fast.

Too fast.

- She's already catching back up to you!

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