Donna Beneviento Reacting to Her S/O Going Missing

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I was going to skip on posting this one here because it was one of my first Resi posts and I don't like it very much, but... eh, whatever.

(Gender ambiguous).

Warnings: kidnapping, mentions of violence and injury.


- Donna's life has been riddled with loss. To put it lightly, she does not take it well when you vanish.

- She has separation issues. Earlier on in your relationship, Donna used to get very anxious whenever you ventured past the property line. What if you decided to never come back? What if something bad happened to you and you couldn't come back?

- You tried to alleviate her anxieties. You always let her know when you're heading out and you always tell her about how long you think you'll be gone.

- The fear that you'll leave largely vanishes over time. But despite the fact that Donna knows you can handle yourself in the village, she still tends to worry a little about you getting hurt. Nobody is completely safe from harm, after all.

- You head out to visit the Duke maybe once a week. The trip is never a particularly long one. When an hour's nearly passed and there's no sign of you, Donna starts to get concerned.

- When one hour has turned into nearly two, she's already fully panicking.

- Donna is out the door and looking for you.

- The Dimitrescu daughters are out hunting when they spot Donna's black-clad figure out looking for you. It's unusual to see her journey so far unless there's a meeting or there are things she needs to pick up. It's doubly strange for her to seem so frantic. They decide to find out what the deal is.

- Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela have met you before. You're not too bad in their books and they agree to help. They can track down runaway maids with relative ease, as well as animals in the area. It shouldn't be too much of a challenge to locate you.

- A half an hour later, Cassandra has found you in some bozo's house. They were stupid enough to leave a necklace of yours right outside, and they aren't home when she barges in. She is slightly disappointed that she doesn't get to gut someone.

- When Donna arrives, she's so relieved to see you alive. You mean so much to her.

- She's wearing her veil so you can't see her face, but you can tell she's crying. Her normally steady hands are shaky when she reaches out for you, trying to make sure you're okay.

- You can really hear it when she holds you close and hugs you, clearly with a more gentle grip than she wishes to use. Donna doesn't want to hurt you.

- But you're not too roughed up, thankfully. You're more shaken up than anything.

- When Donna finds out that the person who took you was hoping to get information on the lords out of you, she can't help but feel partially guilty for the position you ended up in.

- If she ever gets to encounter the culprit, you can bet that they're going to have a very unpleasant experience with her hallucinations.

- When you arrive home, the first thing Donna does is carefully attend to your wounds. Her cool hands make goosebumps erupt across your skin, but they also feel nice against the sore and aching parts of your body.

- The rest of the day is spent with you two practically attached at the hip. As are many days after that. Not that you mind. 

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