Reacting to Their S/O Saying I Love You For the First Time

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(Gender ambiguous).

Includes: Daniela Dimitrescu (Village), Cassandra Dimitrescu (Village), and Bela Dimitrescu (Village).

Warnings: n/a


Daniela Dimitrescu: 

- On the list of things you didn't expect while attempting to relax outside, getting an absurd amount of leaves abruptly dumped on you was somewhere up there.

- Although you didn't see the culprit on account of having your eyes closed, you could easily guess who it was.

- "Dani!"

- Not only does it just seem like the type of thing Daniela would do, but you can hear giggling and the buzzing of insects.

- The leaves are pretty low-tier antics. You could brush them off in about five seconds and settle back down, but...

How are you meant to seek revenge like that?

You try to follow the sounds.

- A cloud of insects slips around a corner of one of the castle walls.

- You scoop up some fallen leaves as you head over, then attempt to slam dunk them upon your partner's half-formed figure.

- As you somewhat expected, Daniela's flies immediately scatter, thereby minimizing the effectiveness of your attack.

- "Get back here!" you say, a laugh lining your voice.

- Daniela begins to coalesce behind you.

- The very moment you turn, the redhead collides with you and wraps her arms tightly around you. As you both begin falling towards the ground, she twists around so that she ends up on her back with you on top of her.

- You feel a kiss being pressed against your temple.

- "You're a menace," you tell Daniela, voice slightly muffled, "in more ways than one."

- "I try." She's grinning. You can hear it in her voice.

- You know. Oh boy, do you know, but Dani's your menace. You can't help but love her.

- When she loosens her hold on you, you push yourself up so that you're hovering over her. You gaze at her with a borderline painful amount of fondness.

- "I love you."

- Daniela's eyes widen, then begin to water a bit. You're pulled back down on top of her as the intensity of her hug increase once more. This time, it's a little more suffocating.

- I love you too!"

- Daniela is slightly upset that you beat her to saying it first, but that hardly matters when she's so over the moon. She could explode. Like, literally. Into a burst of bugs. But she won't because she doesn't want to let go of you.

- Please say it again.

Cassandra Dimitrescu:

- "Is this Florin?" you ask, holding up one of Cassandra's knives.

- After a long winter, the weather's finally pleasant enough for your partner and her sisters to hunt outside. Hunting and being outdoors are two of Cassandra's favorite things. To put it lightly, she's excited.

- She glances over as she's tying her boots. "No, Florin has a silver pommel and crossguard."

- "Ah." You slide the blade back into it's sheath and place it back.

- You grab the weapon matching Florin's description and hand him to Cass. She is so ready to get out of the castle.

- "Wait, don't forget your cloak. It's warm but it's not that warm."

- Cassandra huffs but comes to a halt. You pull one of her thicker cloaks around her shoulders and clip it in place.

- "You worry a ridiculous amount, I hope you know," she tells you.

- For those who only know Cassandra as a dangerous predator and aren't close to her like you are, it certainly seems a bit silly for you to be fussing over her, making sure she won't be cold while she goes out to kill and maim things. You can't help it that you care so much about her, though!

- And sure, maybe she does have this perpetual look in her eyes that most would call unnerving, but her current expression is verging on a pout and dammit, she's just so adorable. You can't even handle how she makes you feel.

- "I disagree." You kiss her, which she fully leans into. "Good luck on your hunt, Cass." You step back and only hesitate for a beat before tagging on, "I love you."

- Cassandra full-on freezes, hand on the doorknob.

- Your words process about as fast as dial-up internet makes a connection.

- She probably heard you wrong. With her back facing you, she asks, "What?" Her tone is difficult to interpret.

- You repeat yourself.

- After remaining unmoving for a moment longer, Cassandra pushes open the doors and begins leaving. "...I love you too."

- She's going to be thinking about what you said for the rest of the day. And night.

- While making the journey to the front gate where her sisters are waiting, Cassandra has a smile on her face that makes very maid she passes extremely wary. Joy like that from her typically signifies danger.

- She's going to bring you back something. Maybe a heart.

Bela Dimitrescu:

- Little walks around the castle or its grounds are something you and Bela can frequently be seen indulging in.

- With your hand in hers or arms linked together, you both talk about whatever with no particular destination in mind.

- The current flow of conversation is on the lighter side.

- You're laughing way too hard at a remark Bela made. She's just going on as if you're not absolutely losing it and she isn't making it worse by doing so.

- When she finishes her story and you manage to calm yourself, you direct your gaze at the ground.

- "Something on your mind?" Bela asks.

- Looking at her once more with a soft smile, you reply, "Nothing. I just... love you."

- Now, Bela is known to hold her composure well. This moment is no exception.

- Her expression barely changes from the one of content she's wearing. The corners of her lips lift just a little more.

- He voice is as even as it usually is as she says it back.

- "I love you too."

- However, on the inside? Bela is losing her shit in the best way possible. She had been flirting with the idea of saying those words to you lately, verbalizing just how smitten she is with you.

- But then you just went ahead and did it first? Bela could just... kill somebody!

- (That is a good thing).

- (Not for whoever ends up being the victim, though).

- You don't say anything, but you can sort of tell the true effect of what you said. Bela and her sisters are always vibrating. Most often, it's hardly noticeable, but right now it feels like you're holding one of those battery-powered back massagers rather than your partner's hand. 

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