𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 | 𝘸𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨

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A NEW DAY HAD BEGUN. Tuseÿa and Neteyam had returned back to their Mauri Pods. Both of their minds had still been stuck on each other. The two were giggling like little children just at the thought of meeting each other soon again.

And even though only seeing each other at night bothered them both, it was better than not seeing each other at all. Because those days were Neteyam and Tuseÿa had been apart showed them each how much they needed one another.

Tuseÿa stretched herself before standing up completely. Even though she felt like a completely new person after the talk with the woman, and afterwards Neteyam, she still had duties she needed to take care of as the oldest child.

But before she got to them, she still needed to have a word with her brother Ao'nung.

When Neteyam and Tuseÿa had dove back to the village, she didn't want to think about her brother yet, she didn't want the night to end with her scolding her brother for being an absolute dick for no reason again. The night should have ended with Neteyam, and Neteyam only.

So she saved it up for the morning, and that morning had arrived.

Tuseÿa rushed to her parents Mauri Pod to greet them. Long yawns left her mouth, she didn't get enough sleep since she was busy staying up with the oldest Sully boy, she once dearly hated.

They hadn't talked that much that night, they just enjoyed each other's company after not seeing each other for days. The silence had been calming, and not awkward at all. In those moments Tuseÿa loved silence more than anything.

Tuseÿa finally reached the Mauri Pod after running as fast as possible so that she could immediately go find her brother.

"Morning, I heard you were with the healers yesterday?" Her mother said, a minimal smile on her face as soon as she saw her daughter enter. Ronal was always happy when she heard that Tuseÿa was also spending time with the healers.

She thought it was important to be both, a warrior but also someone who heals.

Tuseÿa nodded, the talk with the woman instantly retuning in her mind, "I think I'll go there more often from now on."

The girl looked around the Mauri Pod for a few seconds, her father nowhere to be seen. It confused her, during this time he was usually still here.

She didn't worry about it too much though, she still had to talk to Ao'nung after all. "Have you seen Ao'nung by any chance?" Tuseÿa asked, trying her best to not raise any suspicion on her.

Her mother definitely wouldn't be pleased if she heard that there had been another fight. And her son had been the cause of it, again.

"He went to go feed his Ilu, I suppose." Ronal did raise a curios brow but didn't ask any questions. Tuseÿa rushed to the shore where Ao'nung would be, before her mother could change her mind and ask questions.

On the way to there, Tuseÿa whispered motivational things to herself, like "Don't get too mad, just breath." Or "He's not worth getting worked up for." So she wouldn't snap at him and say something she would regret afterwards. Her sister ignoring her was hard enough.

And it was true, she should just breath. Tuseÿa often got mad for little things, and although this time it definitely wasn't a small thing she should still remain calm.

Tuseÿa reached the shore and saw Ao'nung feeding his Ilu fish. Thankfully he was alone, Tuseÿa really couldn't have handled being around his friends. She hated them, they were like his annoying little minions.

All of them were unable to form their own opinions, they all just followed Ao'nung. It pissed Tuseÿa off to the maximum, cause she knew a lot of them had potential to be good people.

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