𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 | 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘦

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TUSEŸA WAS WALKING towards the main village again. Her small break had been over and it was time to get back to her next task of the day.

Which was to help cooking food for the people. Tuseÿa was a horrible cooker yet, she still had to go there everyday. Her sister Tsireya on the other hand was an amazing cook, it was something Tuseÿa admired about her.

Tuseÿa reached the main village. People were sitting together, grilling fish, cutting fruits, vegetables and more. During this time everyone got together, to work in harmony and peace.

Songs were sung while they cooked, smiles where passed around and laughter was filling the air.

Tuseÿa sighted her sister sitting alone, silently singing along with the people. Tsireya had been smiling as well, her dimples prominently showed. Tuseÿa thought it would be a good moment to approach her, but as soon as Tsireya saw her sister slowly walking towards her, her smile faded.

The girl had been hesitant now, "is approaching her a stupid idea? Should I go back?" Tuseÿa pondered but decided on sitting next to her.

After seeing her sisters look, she'd been too scared to talk to her, so she decided on waiting for a better chance to apologize to come.

Tsireya was angrily cutting the fruits up with a poorly made knife which was on the brink of breaking down since she was gripping it so hard. Tuseÿa also started cutting up the fruits in silence, she was still thinking about talking to her or not.

After cutting up most of the fruits and vegetables in silence, both of their hands started to hurt and they took a break. Tuseÿa released a huge sigh in relieve since her hands could finally catch a break again.

During their little break they still remained silent, both of them looking into random directions to avoid accidentally looking at each other.

Tuseÿa looked into the distance to distract herself. Suddenly she saw the Sully brothers walking past them, it looked like Lo'ak had been teasing Neteyam for something. A huge grin was on Lo'ak's face as he jokingly jumped on his brother.

Tuseÿa couldn't help but giggle a little at the sight of Neteyam getting flustered.

"I don't get you." Tsireya now said, the angry look still on her face. Her sister turned around in confusion, "You don't get me?" She asked again, not understanding what Tsireya was talking about.

"First you say, the Sully's are bad and now you're smiling just at the sight of him?" Her voice got louder, so Tuseÿa rested her hand on top her hers to calm her down a little.

"I never said, they were bad! I just said we needed to be more careful. And I wasn't smiling.." She whisper-yelled, a very serious tint in her voice but her sister just shook her head.

" 'Needed', oh so now you've changed your mind again?"

Tuseÿa rolled her eyes, her sisters attitude had gotten worse ever since their argument. "Tsireya you-" the poor girl couldn't even finish her sentence because she was immediately interrupted by her sister.

"Ao'nung told me about yesterday, I really hope you're not just playing any games." She sighed, getting back to cutting the left over fruits.

Tuseÿa was quiet for a bit, she hated how everyone never took anything she did or said serious. Why would she play any games? She genuinely liked Neteyam, he was a friend Tuseÿa loved being around with.

And all though her past behavior might have not aligned with how she thought now, she meant it.

Tsireya was still angered, Tuseÿa knew she would have to apologize now before it was too late, "Look, I'm sorry for how I was to you for the past few days. It was selfish of me to not defend you on that day.." she swallowed hard before continuing.

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