~ Chapter Seven ~

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No Mates Allowed...

Copyrighted ©2013. All rights reserved.

~ Chapter Seven ~

We got into Luke's black SUV and drove towards my old territory. Luke would glance over at me every now and then probably trying to figure out what I was thinking. I had a gut wrenching feeling that something horrible had happened to my dad. The vision just kept replaying over and over again in my head. Oh please let him be alright! I couldn't handle being without a mother and father. We came around the bend and Luke pulled off to the side of the road and killed the engine. He came around to my door and opened it for me taking my hand in his.

"We will walk from here. Not sure if its safe to just enter the territory unannounced" I nodded and agreed. We didn't know what we would be walking into.

With each step I took being closer to the pack line I still couldn't sense my pack members or my fathers connection. Did they cut me off after I left? Disown me for good? My wolf whimpered, she was saddened by the thought as well. The smell of blood hit me like a ton of bricks and I froze bringing Luke to a halt as well. My eyes welled with tears I could smell it all. My pack members blood and also my fathers blood.

Luke turned around to face me "Riley what is it?"

"Blood" I sobbed "There is so much blood, I can smell it"

"What?" He lifted his head and inhaled the air through his nose. "I don't smell anything lets keep going" What? How could he not smell it?


We walked a mile into the woods when Luke put his hand out to stop me. "Stay quite and get down"

I ducked down next to Luke and tried to listen to what the men were saying but they were whispering really low so other wolves couldn't hear them. The strong stench of my packs blood was making bile rise in the back of my throat. "What are they saying?" I asked angrily.

"I cant hear them but that's Alpha Derricks father" Luke whispered. "We cant let them see us, they have no mercy for rouges".

Why was the Blood Moon pack on our territory? A tall well built man walked over to the old Alpha "Sir we took care of all of the bodies and relocated the remaining pack members.

The older man who used to be the Alpha of Blood moon nodded. "Good we cant let this get out"

What the hell? My wolf wanted me to go out there and demand to know whats going on, but I pushed her back down. Did they kill my pack? As soon as they walked away I ran out of the bushes and scanned the area. Luke quickly followed behind me. Puddles of blood on the ground revealed that there was a battle here. The worst part was I could smell my fathers blood as well. Tears pricked at my eyes and I stalked towards the pack house. I had to make sure he was okay.

"Riley stop" Luke grabbed my arm and pointed towards the men loading dead bodies onto the back of pick up trucks. My heart sank when I saw Mac, his two sons lifeless bodies in the truck bed. No no no! This cant be happening. Mac and his sons were our best fighters they couldn't be dead they just couldn't be. I shook my head, fresh tears streamed down my face. This had to be a bad dream it just cant be true. Luke wrapped his arm around me to try and comfort me, but it wasn't helping.

Luke quickly picked me up and started walking away and when I peeked over his shoulder I new why. There was the Alphas father carrying my fathers bloody body over his back. I screamed out for Luke to stop and put me down and everyone turned there gaze to the forest. "Shit" Luke cursed under his breath and took off. I kicked and screamed the whole way to the car. Luke sat me in the passenger side and locked the doors.

I silently stared out the window while tears kept a steady flow down my cheeks. Luke would try to take my hand or ask me a question every five minutes but my brain couldn't process anything. My wolf had hid some where deep down inside of me and wouldn't talk to me. I felt so broken, so alone. My family my friends my whole pack were just gone. I never got to tell my dad how much I loved him. Instead I broke his heart and ran off. Oh god the last thing I ever said to him was I hate you. The guilt was eating me alive. My wolf finally whispered let it happen stop trying to fight it. I knew exactly what she wanted and I also wanted to stop this pain.

"Luke stop the car"

He looked shocked that I had spoke and pulled over to the side of the road. I opened up my car door and stepped out. "Riley where are you going?" he asked worriedly when I began to walk away.

I turned to face him and look into his eyes. He stepped back looking a little shaken up. "Don t follow me!" I growled then shifted and took off.

All I could see was red now. Blood sweet blood was what I was craving. The fresh hot blood of a human running down the back of my throat. My wolf was drooling at the thought. Like I had said before being the white wolf was a blessing and a curse. One of my curses started on the night of my sixteenth birthday. Blood lust. It only happens if I'm angry or upset but I can usually control it but now I didn't want to. I knew Luke could see the craving for blood in my eyes when I left. Blood lust comes from the first created werewolf's and is not heard of any more accept with me because the White Wolf was created straight from the moon goddess herself.

My paws came to a stop and I took in a whiff of the air. Ahhh fresh meat my wolf purred. I could hear the laughter of a couple and they whispered I love you to each other.


I woke up in the woods naked and cold. I scanned the area but no one was around. I shifted just in case though. I panicked when all I could taste was iron. Oh no it had taken over. I ran back to Luke's house and pawed at the door for him to let me in. He sleepily opened the door and glanced down at me. "Riley?" he asked still half asleep. I walked in past him and headed straight for my room. Once inside I grabbed some fresh cloths and headed into the shower.

The hot water felt nice on my skin. The images of yesterday flooded back into my head and I let the water rinse away my tears. I couldn't grieve I had to be strong now and in control. I couldn't lose it again like I had yesterday. What did Luke think of me now? He probably hated this beast that lived deep inside of me. I cursed the moon goddess for giving me this so called gift.

After my shower I slipped on a pair of sweat pants and a hoodie then tied my hair up in a messy bun. I crawled into my bed and pulled the covers up over my head. I laid there silently just trying to process everything that's happened in my life so far. I felt the bed dip down and knew it was Luke.

He pulled the blanket away from my face and frowned. "Care to explain" I shook my head not really wanting to get into that right now. "Alright but eventually your going to have to tell me what happened back there" he sighed.

He went to walk away "Luke?" I whispered and he stopped by the door.


"Do you think Blood Moon killed them?" I tried to hold in my tears.

He turned around and laid down on the bed. He welcomed me into his arms and I cuddled up to him. He placed a gentle kiss on the top of my head. "I'm not sure but I wouldn't put it past them".

I shifted so I could see his face. "What do you mean?"

"Well Blood Moon is known for taking out other packs and Alpha Derrick is known for showing weaker wolfs no mercy" he stated.

"I hate him" I said through clenched teeth. One day I will get my revenge on him and his cold hearted pack I promised myself.

A.N. Okay so I know this is short but I had to end this chapter here trust me you will know why when I post chapter 8. I hope you guys are enjoying this so far and now things are really going to start to change. Well that's all for now and I'm already working on ch. 8 for you guys!! :)





No Mates Allowed... Legend of The White Wolf Where stories live. Discover now