~ Chapter Twelve ~

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                                            No Mates Allowed...

Copyrighted © 2013 . All rights reserved.

                       ~ Chapter Twelve

I didn't recognize the frail old woman that was standing in front of me, but her bright gold eyes peered into the very depth of my soul. She terrified me but I couldn't run, I wanted to flee but my legs wouldn't move. It was like my feet were nailed to the ground. She didn't speak and I didn't dare try to break the ice. Those gold eyes watched me closely. She scanned my body up and down until her eyes landed on my necklace. My breath hitched in my throat and she slowly stepped towards me.

"It belongs to me" her voice was like nails on a chalk board and sent chills rolling down my spine.

I tried to reply but no words left my mouth. I wanted to ask what was hers but I simply couldn't.

"Give it to me!" She yelled sending me into a panic. I looked around hoping for some one to save me. I wanted to scream for help!

She was now inches away from my face. Her foul odor made my nose scrunch up in disgust. Those golden orbs were filled with pure hate which only made me fear her more. Her long boney fingers reached for my amulet and I couldn't even back away. She had some kind of hold on me, I could feel her power taking over my entire body. When her old wrinkled hand came into contact with the amulet my neck began to burn. I let out a ear piercing scream, my voice had finally returned. My neck felt like it was on fire and she quickly jerked her hand back. She must have been burnt by the necklace too.

My eyes flashed open and I was back in mine and Luke's room. My whole body was drenched in sweat and my neck was still burning. I looked down to see the amulet glowing and my neck was bright red. I quickly ripped the amulet away from my neck and threw it into the closet. I was so confused, was I dreaming or did that really happen?

These past couple days have been really strange. First I hear voices in my old house that led me to the amulet. Then people are after me for what I don't know and I don't think I want to find out. Plus Luke tells me he's in love with me and I go and ruin that, now he hardly even looks at me. Today has to top all of that though. The dream or not dream with that creepy old woman shook me to the core. There was no way in hell I was putting the stupid necklace back on!

I threw the covers off of me and headed straight for the shower. The cool trickles of water seemed to calm me. I turned off the shower and wrapped myself in a white fluffy towel. What I didn't expect to see was that amulet sitting on the sink. I jumped back tripping over the tub and pulling down the shower curtain with me.

Luke busted through the door causing me to let out a shriek. "Riley are you okay?" He rushed over to my side and began untangling me from the shower curtain.

"Yeah I'm fine, but its not nice to play pranks on some one this early in the morning Luke!" I knew he had to of put the necklace there. How else do you explain it? It cant just get up and walk in here its self. Can it?

Luke helped me up to my feet and gave me a strange look. "What prank? I've been in my office all morning Riley."

I studied him for a moment trying to find the slightest hint that he was lying, but he wasn't. I could see it in his eyes that he was being honest. That scared me even worse, but if I told him about the necklace just appearing in here he would think I'm nuts.

"Sorry"I bowed my head. "I guess I just need to get some food in my belly, I'm not thinking straight." I tried to giggle to cover up my lie.

"Okay well lets go get you fed before you destroy the whole house" Luke chuckled.

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