~ Chapter Twenty Eight ~

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I struggled against Derricks hold on me, the more I tried to get up the harder his teeth clamped down. What the hell! You know when you pick a cat up by the back of the neck and it can't move. Yeah well that's me right now, powerless. I knew there was only one way to satisfy him right now but I hated the thought of it. This was no time to let my stubborn pride cloud my judgement though because I could see Jewlz gasping for air as Leo's hand clenched around her fragile neck.

*"I submit"* I yelled to him through our mind link. His jaws loosened up on his hold but not enough for me to get free.

*"Say it correctly"* he snarled against my neck. Jeez nothing's good enough for this guy is it!

*"I submit to you my Alpha"*

His powerful jaws let me free. My neck was a little sore but there was no time to think about that right now. Jewlz still needed me. In one quick move I twisted my body and was up on my feet. I charged towards Leo and for a split second I saw the fear in his eyes as I came towards him. My teeth sunk into his shoulder, Jewlz fell to the ground on her hands and knees gasping for air. I threw my weight to the side dragging Leo down with me. He shifted into his grey wolf while I was still holding his shoulder with my mouth but it caused me to release him.

He looked ready to attack me, that's when Derrick jumped in front of us still in his larger black wolf form. Leo snarled at me making a low growl come from Derrick. Leo's eyes shifted from me to his Alpha and he bowed down in submission. Yeah that's right you big ugly bow your damn head my wolf snapped. I ran to Jewlz and whimpered, she patted my head and mouthed a "thank you" to me then I nuzzles her. Relief washed over me knowing she was okay.

**** An hour later ****

Tyler and myself sat on the black leather sofa in Derricks office just watching him pace back and forth. Tyler and I exchanged a few worrisome looks with each other but neither of us dare said a word. It was like we were just waiting for him to explode. His eyebrows were crinkled up and he looked to be having an argument with himself in his head. I shifted around on the black leather sofa to get more comfortable but it made a horrible noice underneath me like a farting sound.

Tyler let out a small chuckle "it was the sofa not me!" I snapped at him but still in a hushed tone.

"Sure Riley" he raised his brows and smirked "The sofa just farted not you" he also whispered like I did.

"Idiot" I said under my breath and rolled my eyes making him let out another chuckle and a giggle from me.

My breath got hitched in my throat when Derrick snapped his head in our direction. I noticed Tyler sunk back into his seat a little further. Oh boy did Derrick look sexy when he was mad. Wait what?! Why would I just think that? I mentally shook off the thought. He stepped closer to where we were sitting and inhaled through his nose then out his mouth like he was trying to calm down before he spoke. His fists were clenched so tight I could see his knuckles turning white.

"Get. Out." He growled. I quickly stood up to make my exit before he spoke again. "Not you, him" he shifted his eyes over to Tyler.

"Yes Alpha" Tyler said looking relieved when he headed towards the big oak wood office door.

Well this isn't going to be good I thought as I sat back down. He then began to pace back and forth in-front of me again. I swear he was starting to wear down the carpet in his trail. He'd open his mouth then quickly shut it then shake his head a few times. I'm doomed, doomed I tell ya. I know he's furious with me but all I could think about right now was seeing Jewlz and making sure she's alright. I don't even know how Brian is doing after I healed him but I wasn't to worried about him. In fact the only reason I want him alive is to find out if he was in on it with Luke or not.

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