~ Chapter Eighteen ~

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No Mates Allowed...

Copyrighted ©2013. All rights reserved.

~ Chapter Eighteen ~

The feel of his black leather gloves over my mouth sent a cold chill down my spine. Before I got a chance to look around a bandana was placed over my eyes blinding me. Then I felt a rope binding my hands together behind my back. I struggled against the cool leather seats but it was no use. Great I was going to die I sighed. I wasn't surprised it had to be coming sooner or later. It was only fair my father and my pack payed with their lives and now it was my turn.

"Start the car!" A familiar voice caught my attention. I knew the voice but I just couldn't put a face to match it.

I started to struggle to get loose again but his grip tightened around my neck. I hated feeling powerless and hopeless. This was not me I am the white wolf and will not go down with out a fight. I bit down hard on the fingers over my mouth and herd him yelp out in pain.

"Why you little" He growled.

"Calm down bro! The boss said not to harm her" A panicked voice yelled. But this voice also sounded familiar. Where did I know these guys from? "Here give her this and she will be out in no time".

Wait what? They were going to drug me! My heart rate picked up and I thrashed my legs around hoping to kick one of them. No way was this happening right now!

"Grab her you idiot! Don t just sit there and watch" The voice next to me growled.

Before I knew it a pill was being shoved down my throat. Then water was squirted into my mouth. I tried to spit it out but I just ended up choking and swallowing it down. Reality sunk in as my eyes began to feel heavy. This was it I was going to die. I couldn't hold back the warm tears that slid down my cheek. I've never felt so scared and alone in my life.

"Shhh. Its okay. Everything is going to be alright my child" The soft comforting voice tried to reassure me.

Great just what I needed my secret invisible imaginary friend was now talking to me again. I still wasn't sure if it was the drug or if I was really just going crazy.

"Now listen up" The voice pulled me out of my thoughts. "Your safe now but not for long. Danger is closer than you think and is lurking around every corner".

Is she serious right now? OI'm only in the process of being kidnapped and drudged. I rolled my eyes.

"I want you to carefully make your decisions from here on out. And when ever you're feeling overwhelmed I'll be right here with you to guide you on your journey." That was the last I heard before the pill kicked in and put me to sleep.


I felt like I was being carried over someones shoulder. I tried to open my eyes but all I saw was darkness. They must still have me blindfolded. I wanted to kick and scream so badly but my body was to weak. I figured the drug must still be having an effect on me. I tried to reach out to my wolf but she was no where to be found. I wonder if the drug effected her to?

"Good work boys" A familiar silky smooth voice rang through my ears.

"She's a feisty one" I heard a guy reply back.

"That she is" I heard the sweet voice chuckle. "Now hand her here".

I was placed in some ones arms like a baby. The minute we made contact my body was warm and tingling. It felt good and for the first time I actually felt safe. It felt like I was being carried up stairs but I still couldn't see a thing. The arms I was being carried in gently set me down on what felt like a soft bed. Then the blindfold was removed from over my eyes.

No Mates Allowed... Legend of The White Wolf Where stories live. Discover now