~ Chapter Twenty One ~

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No Mates Allowed...

Copyrighted © 2014. All rights reserved.

~ Chapter Twenty One~

I smoothed out the creases in my shirt and walked out of the bathroom to see Derrick looking at me up and down.

"What now?" I asked.

"You smell like him you know" his nose scrunched up.

"I don't know what you're talking about" My hand quickly covered the mark on my neck.

"Here put this on" he threw a large shirt at me. "Hopefully that will cover up that scent".

I unfolded the shirt and glanced at it. "You want me to wear this? Its huge"

"Its either that or nothing little wolf" He smirked.

"Fine" I grumbled.

I slipped the shirt over my head but it felt more like a dress. His scent was strong and powerful and sent a delightful chill through my body. I mentally scolded myself for enjoying this awkward moment.

"Nope its not working" he grabbed my arm and pulled me closer. "What the!" He tucked my hair behind my ear. "Well no wonder"

He leaned into my neck and he was so close I could feel his hot breath panting on me. My hole body was filled pleasure of being so close to him. His moist tongue licked my mark from Luke causing it to burn for a split second. Then it felt wonderful. My wolf howled in pleasure and I could feel my mark starting to fade away like magic.

"Much better" he smiled.

I tried to steady my breathing so he wouldn't notice how much I actually enjoyed that. It was to late I know he knew because of the way he was desperately searching my eyes. He cupped my face and was leaning in closer. I had to stop this!

"Look if you're done slobbering on me, can we please just go get this over with" I rolled my eyes.

The look of shock on his face was priceless but come on you cant expect that I was going to lower myself to that. He was only forcing me to stay here, threatening my friends life and on top of all that I had to meet his parents. No way we were possibly going to have a moment under these circumstances.

We walked down the stairs hand in hand and smiled like a happy couple would. His mothers eyes lit up like a child's would on Christmas morning. His fathers face remained the same the whole time though. I don't know why I even cared but I wondered if he didn't like me. Maybe my acting skills just weren't good enough to fool him.

"Oh my gosh aren't you just the most beautiful girl ever" his mom squealed.

"Oh um thanks" I smiled as she took my hand in hers.

"I'm so happy that Derrick finally found his one and only" she looked like she was getting a bit teary eyed. "Oh and don't you look just like your parents." Her words caught my attention.

"You know my parents?"

"Well of course darling. Me and your mother were very close, she would be so proud of you." she patted the top of my hand gently.

"Really?" I asked. I could tell that I was now becoming the teary eyed one.

"Yes and I'm so sorry about her and your father. Its a shame to loose both parents at such a young age" she sighed. "They were such wonderful people"

"Yes they were" I lowered my head.

"Oh now come dear lets set the table for the men" she smiled and pulled me towards the dining room.

No Mates Allowed... Legend of The White Wolf Where stories live. Discover now