~ Chapter Fourteen ~

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No Mates Allowed...

All Rights Reserved. All of my books/stories including chapters, prologues, and epilogues are copyrighted under the Copy Right, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights are reserved by the owner and creator of these works. Any unauthorized copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution or selling of these works constitutes as a copyright and is punishable by law.

~ Chapter Fourteen ~

I tossed and turned all night thinking of the words Luke said to me again. He was already gone when I woke up and I didn't blame him for not wanting to see me. There's only so many times a man can get denied of love before he starts searching some where else. I turned on the shower head and stripped out of my pajamas. The cold water felt refreshing and woke me up a bit. When I finished drying off I just about gagged at my own reflection. The dark circles under my eyes would let any one know I had no sleep last night.

I dabbed some cover up on my face to hide my bags then touched up with some light eyeliner and mascara. I wasn't even worried about my hair and just pinned it up still wet on top of my head. I threw on a pair of blue jean cut off shorts and a baby blue tank top with matching flip flops. I took a deep breath before heading down stairs.

It wasn't hard at all to find the kitchen in this small house. Jewlz was sipping on some orange juice reading a magazine. She was some what obsessed with knowing everything about celebrities. You should see her when a celebrity plays a werewolf. She rants for days about how she needs to teach them how to play us right. Its kind of funny that they know nothing about us but still make movies about us. If they only knew we aren't so different from them after all the world would be so much better.

I poured myself a cup of coffee and propped myself up on the counter. "Where are the guys at?" I asked after taking a sip.

"I think they went out for breakfast or something" she shrugged never taking her eyes off the magazine.

"Oh" I sighed feeling a little hurt that I wasn't invited. It would have been nice to get some food in my belly to. I jumped off the counter and grabbed the magazine away from Jewlz.

"Hey?" she yelled.

"Come on Jewlz lets get out and do some thing"

"Like what?" she asked curiously.

"I don't know about you but I'm hungry. Why don't we go for some breakfast by ourselves since we aren't good enough to get invited by the guys" .

"All right, but we don't have a car"

She was right they took our only car. "Well a little walking never hurt any one. We will just walk up the street and look for something close by." She nodded and slipped on her shoes.

It was much more quite in the town during the day. I mean there was still traffic on the road and people sipping there coffee while yelling on their cell phones. I think I still liked the night better though. I loved the lights and music. We spotted a small cafe a block away from our street and decided to give it a try. It wasn't to busy inside juts a few people sipping coffee and typing away on there laptops.

After we ordered our food I was in the middle of telling Jewlz about Luke saying I love you last night. All of a sudden she froze in mid sentence. She quickly picked up a newspaper and hid her face. I searched the cafe for what she was hiding from. There was a tall well built younger guy walking in the cafe. He had grey eyes and dark hair. Actually he was really handsome in a kind of goofy way.

I didn't understand why Jewlz would want to avoid seeing him. He looked right over at me and caught me staring at him. I quickly shifted my gaze to the floor and turned around to face Jewlz who still had her face buried in the newspaper. I caught his scent as he came closer and I could tell he was a wolf and an important one at that. Not strong enough to be an alpha but probably a beta or third in command. Us wolfs have a scent to know when we are in the presence of power.

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