~ Chapter Twenty ~

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No Mates Allowed...

Copyrighted © 2013. All rights reserved.

~ Chapter Twenty ~

White Wolf Legend – When the White wolf has reached his or her 18th birthday their powers will be strongest. No one exactly knows what all powers the white wolf has but they do know they are a force to be reckoned with. Not only has the Moon Goddess blessed the wolf with powers but also the senses are heightened more than a normal werewolf's. Once fully mated, the mate of the white wolf will also gain these ability's. One of the main reasons the white wolf is worshiped so much is because of the story's being told that they have a direct link to the Moon Goddess herself. As you all Know with all good story's comes the bad as well. Some think that if they were to kill the white wolf and drink its blood they to would gain its powers. Or if you were to mate with the wolf you would then be its mate. None of these are proven to be true, but it doesn't stop people from trying.

~ Chapter Twenty ~

I sat at the dinning room table with Tod as I watched my mate and his beta whisper to each other then glance at me. He had me right where he wanted me and I hated it. He might have got away with keeping me here against my will but if he thought for one second I was ever going to be truly his, boy does he have another thing coming. I will never be his submissive little mate that he wants me to be. Not now and not ever. I glared at him until he came over and took a seat across from me and Tod.

"Well if looks could kill" he chuckled.

"I'm sorry but last time I checked I was being held captive by a arrogant ass hole who thinks hes all that but really isn't" I folded my arms.

He slammed his fists on to the table causing me to jump out of my skin. "That's enough! I wont tolerate you disrespecting me any more."

The next thing I did was questionable, but I was not going to make this easy for him. "Oh what are you going to do? throw me back in the cell again....You see how well that worked out for you last time?" I snickered.

"That's it" He stood up and grabbed me by the back of my arm.

I began to struggle as he pulled me up the stairs. The harder I tried to remove his hand the tighter his grip became. I'm not going to lie I was getting really nervous. Maybe I had pushed my luck a little to far this time.

We reached the top of the stairs and he began to drag me down a long hallway. He opened a door that led to a beautifully decorated bedroom. Everything was done up in black and red and the king sized bed looked so comfy. What I didn't know is the next second I was tossed onto that bed. My heart began to slam against my rib cage and I felt the air get hitched in my throat.

"So you enjoy disrespecting me in front of my pack and talking to me how ever you want?" He questioned.

Yes...Now punish me. My wolf purred almost causing me to gag. What has gotten into her I shook my head at the horrible thought.

He leaned over me causing me to lay flat on my back. I pressed my hands to his perfectly chiseled chest. His heart felt like it was pounding just as fast as mine. His eyes were pure gold and they were focused on my lips. Every bone in my body wanted him to kiss me so badly but my mind was screaming no. I hated the control he had over my body. It was like I wasn't even myself any more when he was this close to me.

"I don't understand why you're fighting it?" He leaned down and whispered in my ear. Tingles of pleasure shot through my body from his husky voice.

"Please stop" My voice was shaky and breathy.

"I would never force you into anything" He sat up and moved to the edge of the bed. "In fact I'm not going to do anything until you ask for it. And trust me you will ask for it."

No Mates Allowed... Legend of The White Wolf Where stories live. Discover now