~ Chapter Twenty Two ~

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No Mates Allowed...

Copyrighted © 2014. All rights reserved.

~ Chapter Twenty Two ~

I paced back and forth trying to control my composer. My trembling legs made it hard to walk but I just kept pushing myself. Derrick stood in the door way quietly as he watched me pace.

"You can control this...Just concentrate on some thing that makes you feel good." The soft voice spoke calmly to me.

It was soothing yet still strange seeing as I don't know where or who this voice belongs to yet. None the less I did as it said, I took a deep breath and tried to picture being back home in my pack house with friends and family surrounding me. But then I remembered that was all taken away from me.

"I cant!!" I screamed.

Derrick rushed to my side as I collapsed to my knees. He smoothed out my hair and pulled me into his chest to cradle me. I felt the craving for blood slowly drift away as he softly stroked the top of my head. I wasn't sure if this was a mate calming technique or some thing else, but I honestly didn't care. I was just happy to feel safe and calm for once in a long time. My sobbing finally subsided and I whispered a thank you to the Alpha holding me tightly.

"What was that?" He asked with a worried tone. "I've never seen some ones eyes turn glowing red like that before."

"I - I'm not sure but I have heard legends of the blood lust...I think that's what it might be." I sighed. It frightens me to the core cause I have never been able to control it.

"Blood lust? No way that's only an old scarey story to scare wolfs into behaving Riley."

"I know it sounds crazy but its true. Believe me I've tried to think about a more rational explanation but I cant." I looked up at him to see his puzzled yet curios face.

"Well what ever it was lets try not to let it happen again okay." He smiled and lifted me up so that we were both standing now.

"I still haven't changed my mind you know. I want them to pay for their crimes with their life!" I looked deep into Derricks eyes.

"Then that's exactly what you shall have. Tomorrow I'll begin re-investigating some of your pack members who are still locked up. Then I'll send out scouts to search for Luke." He reassured me with a light smile.

My wolf growled at his name 'Luke' I've never felt so disgusted with myself. It didn't matter why or how I only wanted one thing. Revenge. All those months, all those feelings what a waste of time and effort. Out of all this I hope to one day be at peace and avenge my late father and pack members but only time will tell.

"we should get some rest now, tomorrows going to be a long day." Derrick calmly spoke as he went over to the bed and turned down the blankets. He crawled into the bed and stared at me.

"What?" I snapped. "You don't expect me to sleep with you do you?"

"Well actually yeah I do. You're mine so get over here" he grinned.

"Yours? Just because we finally agreed on some thing don't start thinking that changes anything because it doesn't"

I turned to exit the room but the minute I did I felt a rush of heat beginning at my waist then flood to the rest of my body. I looked down to see Derrick's arm tightly wrapped around me.

"Do you feel that Riley?" he whispered in my ear causing my body to tremble. "You know you belong to me so stop trying to fight it"

He pulled me closer, his hot minty breath panted down my neck. It took every bit of will power I had not to give into him. My wolf was howling in excitement begging her mate to take her right then and there. My heartbeat was irratic and it felt hard to breath being this close to him.

P-please stop" I stuttered and tried to squirm away.

I'm not sure your wolf wants me to stop Riley" he picked me up and gently laid me down on the bed.

I tried to squirm from beneath him but it was no use. He tightly gripped my waist with one hand and held both of my wrist above my head with the other. His soft lips started to gently caress my neck. I was on cloud nine in a daze that I couldn't escape I wanted nothing more than to just let him have his way with me.

"I want you so bad Riley" he licked my neck and it set my whole body on fire. "just tell me you're mine" he growled and a soft moan escaped my lips.

His mouth then covered mine his tongue slipped in and softly caressed mine. I didn't even realize my hands were now free and I was pushing myself more into his rock hard muscular body. My wolf was panting begging for more, she couldn't get enough of him. His hands freely explored my body and I was welcoming it. Every inch his fingertips caressed had me kissing him harder and deeper. It was like I had no control over my own actions and our wolves were now taking over, giving in to that connection they longed for.

"Say you're mine" he pulled back and growled once again.

"I'm" my breathing was shaky and my body was craving his touch.

No Mates Allowed... Legend of The White Wolf Where stories live. Discover now