~ Chapter Seventeen ~

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No Mates Allowed...

Copyrighted ©2013. All rights reserved.

~ Chapter Seventeen ~

Riley's P.O.V. (starting 30 mins. prior to last chapter)

We pulled up to a large two story building with people lining up all the way around it. The guys dropped us off out front while they went to find a parking spot. Jewlz and I looked at each other with wide grins plastered to our face. It felt good to get out and finally do some thing. I was starting to feel like a prisoner for so long.

Luke and Brian joined up with us a few minutes later. We followed them to the back doors of the club where a very large man in a suit was standing. I'm guessing he was a bouncer. He talked to Luke for a minute then let us in. We went down a flight of stairs to the basement section of the club.

The lights, music and smells had my adrenalin pumping. My wolf was a little bit on edge but I figured it was because of everything going on around us. Brian handed Jewlz and I a beer. I took a swig and continued to look around the club. A few minutes later we headed up the stairs to another level.

This level was similar to the basement except for the live D.J. And huge dance floor in the middle. I gulped down the rest of my beer and before I knew it Brian was right there handing me a new one and a shot. I was hoping the alcohol would take away the burning sensation in my neck but it wasn't. It didn't matter how many beers I chugged or how many shots I swallowed down the pain was still there.

Jewlz yanked on my arm and dragged me out to the dance floor. The house music was flowing threw out the club and the people where dancing every where. I decided to push back the pain, suck it up and have a good time. Jewlz and I were dancing with each other when I smelt some thing delicious. The sent was growing closer and my wolf was going wild searching for who the scent belonged to.

When the scent grew closer I knew exactly who it belonged to. My mate. I could feel his eyes burning a whole through the back of me. I was nervous and excited to turn around. I never seen him out of his wolf form. My wolf begged for me to face our mate. I slowly turned around and there he was. Let me tell you he was one hot Alpha! I studied his figure taking in every inch of him. From his perfectly chiseled face, his broad shoulders to his very muscular and tone body. But when I looked at him in his dark chocolate brown eyes I was hurt. He denied me and my wolf and it hurt but I was thankful at the same time.

Luke then approached me pulling me out of my trance. He slipped his arms around my waist and placed a kiss on my cheek. I noticed my mate stiffen up and heard a low growl erupt from his chest. I smiled at the thought that I was making him mad. He deserved it after what he put my wolf through. I turned away in satisfaction and headed to the top floor with Luke, Jewlz, and Brian.

I sat down at the bar with Jewlz while the guys went off to shoot pool. The roof top was more relaxed like a good old fashioned bar. I could still hear the house music playing but less people were crowded on the dance floor up here. I kept looking around for him but he was no where to be found. It was a good thing but my wolf wouldn't settle down.

"Riley are you alright?" Jewlz asked in a concerned tone. She knew me better than anyone so I knew there was no point in lying to her.

I took a swig of my beer and explained everything to her. She didn't say much she just listened and nodded her head every so often. I knew I could trust her not to tell any one. She truly was a best friend and always there for me like I was for her.

"What the hell is she doing here" Jewlz face twisted up like she was sucking on a lemon.

"Who?" I turned to where her gaze was. "Oh" it was Rochelle standing there smirking at me.

No Mates Allowed... Legend of The White Wolf Where stories live. Discover now