~ Chapter Thirty ~

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I stalked down the long hall with my nose in the air searching for Brian's scent and when I finally caught a whiff of it I turned the corner towards the old musty jail cells. Anger burned through my veins the closer I got. Deep down I wanted Jewlz to be right that we all had a genuine bond together and not a fake friendship but I just wasn't sure. Nothing made sense anymore. My time I spent with Luke, my new found friends how could it have all been a big show?

I stopped and turned to face Brian's cell, he was sleeping on the ground covered in dirt and looked badly bruised. I was torn between wanting to help him and wanting to strangle him. I banged on the steel bars and he quickly jumped up looking straight at me. His face lit up with relief when he saw me.

" Riley!" He said excitedly.

"Surprised to see me"? I Leaned in closer "We need to have a little chat you and I" I could hear the wickedness in my tone and he looked a little taken back by it.

"Um okay" he gulped.

"Who murdered my family?!" I demanded.

"What are you talking about?" He asked confused.

I tried to study his every move. I wanted to see the slightest bit of nervousness and wanted to catch him in a lie. I stayed quiet just searching his eyes for emotions that would give it away but nothing was there. "I'll ask one more time, Who killed my family?"

"Riley I have no clue what's gotten into you. I don't know who killed them" his eyes told it all he was telling the truth. I felt the heavy weight of the guilt creeping back up into my heart.

"Guard let this man out" I shouted at one of the guards near his cell.

"Sorry I can't do that, Alphas orders" he said to me not ever making eye contact or moving at all.

You know I'm getting real sick of alphas orders lately. He wanted me so badly to be his Luna yet I had no authority around here. Hell half of these wolves don't even know who I am! I looked back at Brian, we're not so different right now. Both prisoners in this place.

I stomped down the long hallway and back into the interrogation room where Jewlz was being held and let the door slam behind me. She raised her head to look at me and it's like she already knew. Brian wasn't guilty of the crimes and as bad as I wanted to pin the blame on someone I couldn't condemn him. If he's innocent then maybe, just maybe Luke was innocent as well.

My back hit the wall and I slid down it pulling my knees to my chest. Not only was I no closer to solving my packs murder but I was also a shitty girlfriend. "Luke deserves so much better than me" I started sobbing and Jewlz quickly rushed over to me and embraced me. I know it's hard to fight off a mate bond, hell it's damn near impossible but I could've at least tried harder. I don't think he'll ever forgive me.

"Riley none of this is your fault, Luke loves you." She whispered to me.

Just then the big metal door flung open causing a loud crashing noise against the concrete wall. Jewlz and I both almost jumped out of our skin. Derricks eyes darted to me and I could see the rage inside of them. He was trembling, his wolf clawing at the surface. I knew he could feel my emotions just as I could his.

"GET UP" he shouted at us.

Neither of us protested. He grabbed ahold of my arm so tight I thought for sure it would leave a bruise but I still stayed silent. Tyler entered the room and grabbed ahold of Jewlz but much gentler. Derrick began tugging me by the arm down the hall and out of the prison and out of the barn to the wide open field.

Tyler then cleared his throat. "Julie Shall you have broken our laws returning on to our territory and going against Alpha Derrick. I hereby sentence you to death."

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