~ Chapter Twenty Four ~

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I woke up forgetting where I was at. Oh wait that's right I'm still a hostage. I rubbed my eyes and took in my surroundings. I really felt the need to shower but I didn't have any clean clothes here. All of my stuff was still at the house me and Luke once shared. I'm sure I could just find another on of Derricks large shirts and maybe a pair of shorts to borrow after my shower.

I stepped into my bathroom the cold tiles under my feet made me chilly. I didn't even bother looking at my reflection. I already know I look like hell and it's to early to be scaring myself like that. Thanks for sparing us both that tragic sight my wolf giggled, I just rolled my eyes and began to fix the water to the right temperature in the shower. I wondered if having a smartass inner wolf was also part of my curse.

After I stepped out from the shower I grabbed the light beige towel hanging from the towel rack and wrapped it around myself. Now to find some clean clothes, I tip toed across the hall and into Derricks room. He wasn't in there and his bed was already neatly made. I headed over to his dresser and started rummaging threw it looking for something comfortable to put on.

"Looking for something?" I heard his voice come from behind me and my heart hit my stomach. Oh god why did I have to be in just a towel, I felt the heat rise in my cheeks.

"Why are you sneaking up on me like that?"

"Me? Sneaking? Last time I checked this was my bedroom and my dresser you're going through." He laughed.

Okay so I was the one sneaking but still that's not the point. I turned around and his eyes were looking at every inch of my body. He was definitely enjoying what he was seeing. "I was looking for some clean clothes. You know I didn't exactly pack a traveling bag being kidnapped and all."

"Follow me" he smiled and left out the room while I quickly followed behind him. "I already had your closet stocked full of clothes for you yesterday while we were having dinner" he pointed to my walk in closet when we entered my bedroom.

I looked at him skeptically and opened up the closet door. It almost looked like my old closet in my dads house. The clothes looked all name brand and high quality. Nothing like my casual style I have now. I pulled a dress from the hanger and examined it. Then looked down to see all high heels in matching colors of the dresses on the wall. Wow he really went all out for me.

"Thanks but this isn't really something I'd wear anymore" I turned to him.

"Yeah well my mate needs to look classy and presentable at all times so take it or leave it." He smirked "trust me I don't mind one bit if you'd rather prance around here in that towel all day"

"I'll wear the damn dress" I scrunched up my nose at him.

"Whatever you want babe"

"I'm not your babe! I have a name, Riley!" I corrected him as he was exiting my room.

I swear that man irritates my whole life! His not so subtle flirting and his arrogant attitude. His incredible abs and pecks my wolf added and I shook my head. I was starting to miss her silent treatment. I grabbed the white posh dress and threw on a pair of matching white pumps then went into the bathroom. I searched the drawers under the sink and found they were also full of make up and hair products. I strained my hair then put on some eyeliner and mascara. Didn't look to bad I smiled at my reflection. Then my stomach started to rumble.

Good thing being a werewolf had perks of burning calories fast or I'd end up one of those people on a TLC show laying in bed eating two large pizzas and ten tacos. Well better go stuff my face, in a proper lady like way of course. God forbid I embarrass my mate, I rolled my eyes at the thought. I went down stairs and turned the corner into the kitchen to find a tall thin dark haired girl standing behind the counter.

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