~ Chapter Eight ~

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No Mates Allowed...

Copyrighted ©2013. All rights reserved.

Picture: Jewlz

~ Chapter Eight ~

Ten months later.....

"Happy Birthday Princess" Luke's sweet voice woke me up from my slumber. My eyes fluttered open to see his deep blue eyes and bright smile over me.

"Morning" I returned the smile and let out a yawn as I stretched. "And thanks". It was so sweet that he had remembered my birthday. Yes that's right world Riley Shadow has made it to seventeen.

"Hurry up and get ready we have a busy day" Luke tore the covers off of me and I shivered.

"Please tell me you didn't plan anything?" I rolled my eyes. "I'd much rather lay in bed all day for my birthday" I cuddled up to my pillow.

"Well aren't you just a ball of joy" Luke laughed and shook his head. "Come on get up" he tugged at my arm and I groaned.

"Alright I'm up" I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"Hurry up" Luke called out on his way down the stairs.

I rolled my eyes and stumbled over to my closet. I never have good balance when I first wake up. I pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans and a red blouse then put on my converse. I sat down in front of my closet mirror and straitened my hair. I left my face natural, I wasn't the make up type of girl anymore unless it was light makeup or some lip gloss. When I stood up my whole body felt tingly. Whats going on? It is our gifts my wolf purred as I felt her getting stronger inside of me. After the tingling sensation stopped I felt great like a whole new person. My vision was sharper, my hearing was better and my sense of smell was heightened. Okay I could work with this I smiled to myself.

I skipped down the stairs jumping off the last three feeling great. When I strolled in the kitchen Luke jumped a little bit.

"Dang it woman you shouldn't sneak up on people like that" he scoffed. "What did you go ninja pro now"?

I giggled at his comment "sorry didn't mean to frighten you". Hmm I really could work with this new gift.

His eyebrows farrowed "you didn't frighten me you just surprised me that's all".

Men? Cant admit when they get a little scared.

"Its okay Luke I wont tell anyone the big bad wolf got scared by lil ol me" I teased.

"I wasn't scared" he mumbled and turned his back to me.

Usually I would pick at him some more but I figured I'd let him him win this one. There is plenty more opportunities for days like this with my new silent walking gift. I propped myself up on the counter and swung my legs back and forth. "So what do we have planned for today?" I asked as I picked at a blueberry muffin.

"Well that's for me to know and you to find out" he winked at me.

Oh so he thinks hes going to get off that easy does he? "Well if you don't tell me I'll just have to go ask Julie".

Luke and I had met Julie a few months ago while we were out on a run. She was disowned by her pack for quote on quote "being the weaker link". So when she ran into us we took her in. She now lives on Luke's land and has also became my new BFF. I've never really had a best friend before well except for Luke but he doesn't really count seeing as I have had a huge crush on him for over a year now.

"Don t you dare" he threatened. "You know that girl cant keep a secret if her life depended on it".

"Oh I will" I said playfully as I hopped off the counter. I think this is the perfect time to test out if my gift has given me speed to.

No Mates Allowed... Legend of The White Wolf Where stories live. Discover now