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Liz's pov

"Has anyone gotten ahold of them yet?" Kat asked frantically, glancing up from typing on her phone.

"He's not answering," I said, slamming my phone down on the counter as Colby's phone went to voicemail.

"I'm sure they're fine," Jake reassured, "Let's just calm down. Maybe their phones are dead, or they just don't have service,"

"They were supposed to be done filming hours ago," Kat pointed out, "Something's going on,"

"Sam and Colby are never going out of state for a video ever again," I insisted, "Not if they can't answer their fucking phones,"

"Are you okay?" Jake asked, glancing between me and my puffed up stomach.

"I'm pissed off," I said, pressing Colby's contact again and bringing my phone to my ear.

"When isn't she?" Corey asked, half as a joke.

It was January 16th, meaning I was fourteen weeks pregnant. Since this pregnancy was in full swing, I was definitely cranky half of the time.

Not only am I fourteen weeks pregnant, I'm also sober from any substances I used to take.

I had gone to the doctor after I relapsed, and was reassured that my baby was perfectly fine.

I was really grateful for that, and since then have been trying my best to not fall back into those habits. So far, I've been successful even though I can hear the temptation whispering in my ear every now and then.

"Shut the hell up," I said as the call went to voicemail.

"Holy shit," Aaron gasped from the living room, catching our attention.

He hardly ever swore, seeing as he was incredibly religious and insisted "there were better words to use."

"Jake, Corey," He came jogging into the room, shoving his phone in front of their faces.

"What's going on?" Kat asked, trying to peek at Aaron's phone.

"No. There's no way, that's fake," Corey said as Jake bit his lip while concentrating.

I watched as Jake pulled out his phone, typing away before heading for the stairs, "I'm going live, come on,"

"Wait," Kat said, glancing at her phone, "They can't actually be arrested, can they?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked, grabbing Kat's phone and reading it.

She was on Twitter, scrolling through a hashtag that read "Free Sam and Colby".

"Holy shit," I said, scrolling through the pictures of their mugshots. "This is fake. It has to be,"

"There's no way," Kat sighed before following Jake upstairs.

"Navi come on," Corey motioned for his chubby dog to follow, and I patted her back as she trotted past me.

We made our way up the stairs, trailing behind Jake, who was already heading into the streaming room.

Jake and I have hardly spoken recently. It was kind of reassuring, knowing that I wasn't doing anything to harm Colby and I's relationship.

Getting sober again really opened my eyes to that. I explained that to Jake when I had wanted to officially end anything romantic between us.

He agreed, and it seemed a little reluctant in my opinion.

But even after all of this time we hardly spoke. Nobody questioned it, and that's all I was worried about.

Jake was sitting in front of his streaming set up, and Kat and I sat down on the couch that was on the side of the room.

"What do we do if they're actually in jail?" I asked, quietly, and Kat grabbed my hand assuringly.

"Don't worry about it," She smiled, and I could tell she was trying her best to be positive, "There's no need to upset that little baby of yours. But, if you want me to, I'll beat Colby's ass for you,"

"Thanks, Kat," I tried my best to calm down, taking deep breaths and focusing on petting Navi.

Physically, I probably appeared fine besides my leg that bounced periodically. Internally, I was scared as fuck.

What could they have done to get themselves in jail?

Would Sam and Colby be able to survive in jail?

There's a chance they could be raped or killed in there, depending on what crowd they find themselves in.

I know they will try their best to stay together, but they could probably do so much to make that happen.

Granted, they were exploring abandoned places with a couple of other guys, but they always seem to outrun the police.

Why did they have to get caught when they were practically across the country, in Florida?

Jake began talking to the fans as they joined the live stream.

"Check the twenty-four hour inmate search," Corey suggested, "We can see if their actually in jail or just fucking with us,"

"Okay," Jake said, "Aaron, go shut your computer off. The wifi is slow as balls,"

Normally, Aaron would protest and insist that his electronics needed to stay on. But this time, he was quick to run and shut them off, with his dog Buddy following him.

"It's not popping up," Jake said, getting agitated.

"Is that the right site?" Kat asked before deciding, "It's not,"

She came up next to him, taking over the computer as she looked up an archive near the location they were investigating in.

"There's still nothing," He whined as Kat sat back down.

"Refresh the page," Aaron suggested as Corey came back in the room with Griffin and Reggie.

"They're in jail," Griffin said, scooting up a seat besdie Jake, "There's no way they aren't,"

"Let's try and be positive," Kat suggested, "Maybe this is just a prank,"

She was hardly able to get her sentence out before Jake screamed, falling onto the floor.

The four boys were quick to swarm the computer, making it impossible for Kat or I to see what they were screaming at.

Kat covered my ears as a precaution while the boys began screaming.

Since I had started my second trimester a little over a week ago, the morning sickness was replaced with migraines that were very easily triggered by loud noises.

Most of the time, the boys were very considerate of that and tried not to shout too often. This time, they didn't care since there was a greater situation at hand here.

"What's going on?" Kat asked over them, letting me go as she pushed the boys out of the way so we could see the screen.

And there, in the 60-day inmate archive, underneath the 24-hour category, was Colby's mugshot.

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