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Liz's pov

After we uploaded that video, Colby called a house meeting with the trap boys.

That house meeting affected everything.

Apparently, Corey and Sam came to an agreement to not renew the lease on the Traphouse, and Corey announced that he already was looking for a new house for him and Devyn to live in.

So, it was up to Colby, Jake, Sam and I to look for apartments that we could all move into.

It was tough, explaining to Colby that I didn't want to live with him just yet.

Surprisingly, he was relieved that I didn't want to.

He agreed that we weren't really at a good point in our relationship to move in together.

At the end of the day, I was happy that was what he chose.

According to the trap girls, we had one last thing to do before we moved out: the gender reveal.

Since the inside of the house was basically empty, we were having the gender reveal in the backyard.

They made me schedule an appointment, and forced me to go after they all found out I had been skipping the appointments to check on the baby.

Devyn and I had gone alone, and she took the papers that had the baby's gender home to the girls.

I was currently in a light pink day dress, appropriate for the gender reveal.

Kat made everyone dress in pink or blue, depending on what they thought the baby was going to be.

Colby chose to wear a light blue tee, with black jeans to go with it.

Most of the boys had chosen blue, besides Corey, who was wearing a pink shirt with a purple scrunchie in his man bun.

Tori was one of the only girls to choose blue, and I tried my best to ignore her as much as possible.

She had been causing so many problems recently with Colby and I's relationship, between the meth incident and I believe she was the one who leaked that I was pregnancy.

Kat and Devyn were the only people who already knew the gender, so Devyn wore blue and Kat wore pink.

"Oh my god, Liz," Xepher said as she walked into the backyard with Mike, "You look so cute,"

"Thanks," I said, giving her a hug.

I didn't feel cute at all, no matter how many compliments I got on my outfit or how I looked.

My bump was close to double the size it was a month ago, and even though it wasn't that big, it was enough for a noticeable change in my body.

I felt fat, which was a given since I had gained a lot of weight from the baby. Just a little bit of walking around or standing was enough to make my feet and calves swell up.

Since Kat's feet were a size bigger than me before I was pregnant, I have practically lived in her shoes these past couple of weeks.

"How are you?" She asked, and I noticed how Mike hardly nodded a hello before going to Colby and all of his friends.

"Tired," I admitted as Kat skipped over and rubbed my belly, mumbling in a baby voice, "Hi Kat,"

"Hi," She glanced up at me before looking back at my belly, "She thinks I'm talking to her huh? Well I'm not,"

I giggled, noticing that Kevin, Reggie and Cassie had arrived.

"Where's my baby at?" Cassie asked, looking at everyone before Xepher waved at her.

She squealed, leaving Reggie's side and running up to me, hugging me.

I winced as she squeezed every part of my torso that ached.

I caught Colby looking over at me from across the yard, a red solo cup full of most likely alcohol.

Most of the boys were drinking, which wasn't a surprise. They practically got wasted every single time they were all together.

He winked at me, and I gave a weak smile back at him.

"Alright guys," Kat shouted, clapping her hands to get everyone's attention.

"Once everyone gets here, we'll do the gender reveal," She said, "Colby, get over here,"

Kat and Devyn waved him over, and I looked at them suspiciously, "What's going on?"

"I'll tell you once Colby comes over," Devyn promised as I looked around the yard.

The girls did a nice job setting everything up, with blue and pink decorations set up all over the yard.

Music was playing on a speaker that was connected to Jake's phone.

I couldn't help but notice the slight stumble in Colby's step as he walked over.

"Here," Kat said, handing us both shopping bags with clothes in them, "Go put these on?"

"What are they for?" Colby asked, and Devyn responded, "Put them on, then come out front,"

"Okay, let's go," I said, making my way to the downstairs bathroom with Colby.

"Are you ready?" I asked excitedly as I got changed.

We were given plain white clothing, both of us in white pants and shirts.

"I'm so excited," He said slowly, a foolish grin on his face.

"And lay off of the alcohol," I warned as we stepped out of the bathroom, "I want you to remember this,"

"I'm fine," He said as he held the door open for me.

We made our way out of the front door, seeing as everyone's cars were moved and our friends were scattered across the driveway, watching us intently.

"What's going on?" I hardly got the words out of my mouth before Jake and Corey ran up to us, dumping a bucket of colorful liquid on our clothes.

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