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Liz's pov

I couldn't believe my eyes. It was real, Colby was in jail.

It felt like a hammer was pounding rapidly on my chest, and I patted my body down for my phone only to come up with nothing.

I darted out of the streaming room, and Kat was quick to follow me.

"Liz, what are you doing?" Kat asked, obviously trying her best to keep me from doing anything destructive.

"I'm calling Colby," I huffed as I got to the bottom of the stairs, going back to where I was standing in the kitchen.

"What are you talking about Liz?" Kat asked, "He's arrested, you saw the mugshot,"

"No, this doesn't make any sense. This is a prank, it has to be," I said, shakily grabbing my phone, "And if it's not, then why the hell wouldn't they have listened when we told them to be careful?"

"Just calm down Liz, we wouldn't be pranking you while you're pregnant," Kat insisted, and I listened into the phone only for it to go to voicemail again.

"Why did they have to get arrested? Why couldn't the cops have just let them go?" I asked, fighting the throat aching, eye stinging feeling that meant I was about to start crying, "They let them go yesterday," I added, sounding rather pathetic

"I don't know," Kat said, coming over to hug me, "They might just have bad luck in Florida,"

My heart ached, and a ticklish feeling came from my stomach.

It was clearly too early to feel the baby moving, but it was an interesting distraction to feel as everything in my stomach shifted away from Kat's body as it was pressed against mine.

Kat seemed to notice me stiffen, but she took that as a sign to let me go. "What if we called the girls over for a sleepover tonight?" She suggested, "It'll keep our minds off of things until we figure something out,"

"Sure," I agreed, scrubbing my face.

It was like a silent agreement to go back upstairs to the streaming room.

By the time we got to the bottom of the stairs, we could clearly hear the boys yelling at each other.

"Okay. This is not the time to be freaking out," Corey said as Navi began freaking out.

"That's crazy," Griffin said as we stepped back into the room, "I can't believe they got caught,"

Jake was back on the floor, being swarmed by Navi and Buddy.

"Click on it, click on his name," Reggie said, and Jake sat up just enough to click on it so we could get a better look at what Colby got arrested for.

The boys began freaking out as we could read his charges.

Kat and I leaned forward, and Kat read the charges out loud, "Fraudulent ID, fraudulent ID, and trespassing on a working construction site,"

"Jesus christ, my man's a felon," Griffin joked, but no one reacted to it.

"Bond, six thousand dollars," Jake read, "Did you know the average American salary is thirty thousand dollars? That is one of fifth of the average American salary," He seemed slightly annoyed, even though nobody in this house made $30,000 a year.

They made way more, and getting Colby out of jail wouldn't necessarily be a financial struggle for any of us.

"Oh my god," I sighed, rubbing my forehead. It was already almost eight at night, and based on what we were looking at Colby had already been sitting in jail for around three hours.

He had called me yesterday and told me how he and Sam had a scary encounter with a couple of police officers.

So why weren't they more careful after that? It didn't make any sense.

"What about Sam?" Kat asked quietly.

Jake typed away at the computer, but Sam's picture didn't pop up.

"That's odd," Corey said.

"Maybe it was a bad picture," Jake guessed.

"Yeah. But it's Florida time, which is three hours ahead of us," Aaron said, "So Colby's been in jail for a few hours already,"

"You see this ring?" Jake asked the camera, holding up his pointer finger.

"It was a matching one I got with Colby, but I lost it. So I was going to get another one today and Kat texted me, and told me she hasn't been able to get ahold of Sam," Jake explained, "So we all freaked out, and all blew up Sam and Colby's phones til I came on here so we could go through this together,"

"That's very nice of you, Jake," Corey commented.

"Thank you brother," Jake smiled, "I'm just saying, Tampa police, you should be honored that Sam and Colby trespassed on your property. I wouldn't care if they had broken into my house and stole all of my shit, I would still be honored,"

"So can we pay the bail even though we're not in Florida?" I asked, and Corey shrugged.

"I don't see why not. We'll have to wait until Sam's charges come up before we figure out how this is going to work out," He said, and Aaron leaned over and gently set his hand on my back.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

Even though I didn't really like his girlfriend, Tori, he was still really nice to me.

The fans still didn't know I was pregnant, let alone that I was dating Colby.

We haven't really had the chance to talk about how, or if, we'd tell the fans.

So, to them I was just a friend who was having a breakdown because my friends were in jail.

It didn't help that Kat seemed rather emotionless, like she was either trying to push away her feelings for everyone else's sake.

"Yeah, this is just a scary situation," I said quietly.

"I don't think you should have to worry too much," Aaron reassured, "After all, it's Sam and Colby. They can get through anything,"

I wanted to believe him, I really did.

But the fear for their safety put Aaron's words at a crossroad.

What are the odds they get into something they can't get out of, because we live so far away?

That scared me.

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