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Colby's pov

It's been two days, and I have no idea what I got myself into.

I was so angry that Liz didn't bother to show up to the baby shower.

It was for the both of us, and our baby.

It was supposed to be a happy day filled with good memories.

Instead, it was embarrassing.

All of my friends and family were there, watching as everyone tried getting ahold of Liz.

Kat and Devyn had booked a really nice place about two hours away from the apartments.

It was really good until we realized that everyone was there and nobody is back in Los Angeles to see what's going on with Liz.

I wasn't happy that I ended things with her, because I loved her and I wanted everything to work out for us.

But there were so many problems between us, it was like we could never figure it out.

It was mostly because of Liz being an addict, it was really hard to keep track of her and what she was doing constantly.

I missed the way we used to be, before we had a baby to worry about and before the stress of everything made Liz slowly fall back into her addict tendencies.

Everyone was worried about what had happened to Liz, and I'm sure she still hasn't reached out to anyone to tell them what happened.

Which meant it was up to me to let people know that we were broken up.

I made my way over to Sam's apartment, who was leaning against his kitchen counter with Kat, who was sitting on one of the barstools.

"Hey," Sam said, knowing that I was coming over since I had texted him, "So what's up?"

"Is Liz okay?" Kat asked, her brow scrunched out of concern for her friend.

"I don't know," I said with a shrug, sitting on the other barstool.

"What do you mean, you don't know?" Sam asked, "Didn't you go check on her?"

"I did," I nodded slowly. I didn't know how to tell them that we broke up, because I knew that both of them would be pissed.

"So is she okay? Why wasn't she answering her phone?" Sam continued asking questions, "Did you give her everything from the baby shower?"

"It's still sitting in my trunk," I confessed, feeling a piece of my heart ache as I thought about my baby's life, which could possibly be in jeopardy at any moment.

"So why don't we go get the boxes and give them to her?" Kat suggested as she stood up, "It'll be a nice surprise,"

"Kat wait," I demanded as she went to open the door, "I can't go over there,"

"Why not? You're her boyfriend, of course you can," She said as I cringed, "What? Did something happen?"

"We broke up," I said, and they both became so silent you could hear a pin drop.

"What?" Kat squeaked in disbelief, slowly sliding back into her seat, "Why?"

"I just can't handle it," I said, running my fingers through my hair, "That baby shower was so embarrassing. And then there's her drug problem,"

"Do you realize she's twenty something weeks pregnant?" Sam asked, "You're not the only one stressed here. You can't create a child with someone and then checkout when life gets too rough,"

"What am I supposed to do?" I asked sarcastically, "Take care of everything she needs? Bend my back backwards for someone who doesn't appreciate the shit I do for them?"

"Precisely," Sam said as Kat spoke up. "What have you really done for her besides basically being a ghost in her life?"

"I'm not a ghost," I insisted, "I'm very involved with her,"

"Really?" She asked, raising her eyebrows, "So tell me why the first time you see your girlfriend in two weeks you break up with her?"

"How do you know I haven't seen her in two weeks?" I asked in disbelief.

"You're here every day," Kat pointed out, "And when you aren't, you're partying with Brennen,"

"I need a break," I said lamely.

"Yeah, and I'm sure Liz wants one too," Sam scoffed, "But she doesn't get one just because her baby isn't convenient to her right now,"

"I never said-" Sam cut me off. "But it's what you meant,"

"I thought you would be on my side. Also, it's our baby, not just hers," I correct, crossing my arms.

"I am on no one's side, but Liz isn't here to defend herself. And as of right now, what are you doing to prove that you are that baby's father?" Sam reasoned.

"What did you do, break up with her over a pregnancy symptom?" Kat asked, clearly unpleased with me, "Being forgetful is common with pregnant women, Colby. It's not worth breaking up over. And it's not all her fault, either,"

"How so?" I asked, and she responded without batting an eye, "You didn't remind her. If it was so important to you, then you should have made it a point to tell her,"

"I'm not perfect, Kat," I defended myself, holding my hands up before letting them drop in my lap.

"And neither is she," Kat said before standing up, "I can't even look at you right now. You need to get your shit together Colby,"

Sam and I watched her head off into my best friend's room, shutting the door behind herself.

"What should I do?" I asked, looking at Sam, "I can't go running back to her just to make up. That's toxic,"

"And what you're doing right now isn't?" Sam asked with raised eyebrows, "I think you should invite her to be in your apartment for a little while. You can keep an eye on her and the baby that way,"

"What if she doesn't want to?" I asked before slouching back in my chair, "I broke her heart,"

"You guys are mentally connected," He said, "It's what happens when you have sex with someone. She won't say no, and even if she does, she won't be hard to convince,"

"When do I do it?" I asked, internally wincing at how cringy I sounded.

"What kind of question is that?" Sam asked "Now."

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