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Liz's pov

I debated on pretending to wake up or not.

I waited a little bit, until Jake and Colby changed the subject.

"Good morning sunshine," Jake said cheerily as I stretched and pushed myself to sit up.

"Hi," I muttered, scrubbing my face.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked as I looked at him.

Colby was watching me as Jake and I talked, his face expressionless.

I tried not to pay any mind to him, only really talking to Jake.

"This is the best couch I've ever slept on. And I hate sleeping on couches," I said, hinting at Colby that I hated sleeping on his stupid fucking couch every night. "I gotta piss,"

"Bathroom's over there," Jake said, pointing to a room over by his bedroom.

I went in and quickly did my business, washing my hands and wiping them on my hoodie to dry them off.

I walked out of the bathroom to see Jake and Colby watching me. "What?" I asked.

"Can we talk?" Colby asked, "At my place?"

I looked over at Jake, not fully sure if I should be alone with Colby. 

He was looking back and forth between Colby and I, which didn't really give me the answer I was looking for.

"I guess," I said as he stood up, nodding to Jake. "Seeya brother. Let Corey know the plans for tonight,"

"Will do. Don't kill your girl," Jake said, nodding at me as I shook my head.

"Jake-" I went to protest what he had said, but he cut me off, and was quick to usher Colby and I to the door.

"Don't worry bbg. If you need anything, I'll be right here," He said before shutting the door, leaving Colby and I in the hallway alone.

I crossed my arms over my body, holding myself as we awkwardly walked back to his apartment.

Colby opened the door, holding it open for me before shutting it behind me.

I walked over to the couch that I did not miss, sitting down on it as Colby said next to me, keeping a respectful gap between us.

"Look," Colby said, staring at the coffee table as he spoke, "I'm sorry for everything that's happened recently. I've been really shitty and last night proved that I pushed you over the edge,"

"Is that all?" I asked, picking at my nails.

I watched as Colby took in a breath, trying his best to control his anger, "Liz," He began, "I'm trying to be genuine with you right now. I hate how we've been treating each other. I always have,"

"One apology won't magically fix everything," I said, looking over at him.

"I know, but it's a start," He said, "I want to start over with you. Clean slate,"

I stared at him through narrowed eyes, studying him as I tried to figure out his intentions.

He looked sincere, and defeated. There was no malicious intent in his eyes.

"Why?" I asked, knowing the answer was obvious.

"For her," He said, nodding to my stomach, "But it's also because I love you. But I think what we had before was the wrong kind of love,"

"I wouldn't know," I let out a sarcastic laugh, "Between you and Isaac, what you and I had was angelic, or it was,"

"Where do you think we slipped up?" Colby asked, leaning back on the couch with his hands folded behind his head, "I could think of so many times. Or it could have been before we really got together,"

"I think the trip to tell your parents about the baby was when I really shut down," I said, briefly remembering Colby dragging me down the steps by my arm.

"Yeah?" Colby asked with a sad smile, "That was supposed to be a happy trip,"

"It was until shit got planted in my suitcase. That was Tori, wasn't it?" I asked, and he nodded.

"I confronted her about it when we were still in Kansas. She confessed to it right away," Colby sighed, "It's so sad what people will do to ruin someone's relationship,"

"Yeah," I huffed out a laugh, "We do a pretty good job of doing it ourselves. We don't need any help,"

Colby chuckled lightly, shaking his head. "You have a point, but hopefully we'll be better about that,"

"Yeah," I said with a shrug, "Is that all you wanted to talk about?"

I knew that Colby would bring up me coming along for a video.

"Actually yeah," He said before clearing his throat, "We're going to a hotel to film a video. I was wondering if you wanted to come with us,"

"Who's all going?" I asked, resting my arm on the back of the couch.

"Sam, Corey and Jake," He responded with a smile. "You wanna go?"

"Sure," I said with a grin, even though I was very unsure about what I'd be getting myself into.

"Will you be okay going?" He asked before nodding down at my hips, which had been giving me a great deal of trouble last night.

"Yeah," I said, rubbing my eyes as I tried to get the last of the sleepiness out of my system, "When are we leaving, and what should I pack?"

"Probably just overnight clothes," He said, "And whatever you normally have for the baby,"

He studied the couch, which is where I'd been sleeping since he made me be here.

"I don't really have anything for her," I shrugged. "I wish I had gotten something for the stretch marks, though,"

"We can probably get you something to use so they don't get worse," He said with his eyebrows narrowed. It was like he was really concentrating on trying to help me but at the same time was clueless.

It was really interesting how quickly our dynamic changed overnight.

It was like we pushed everything bad away just to find the peace in each other.

But I knew that it would take longer than that to truly heal.

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