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Liz's pov

I screamed, grabbing onto Colby's shoulder as he bolted up.

"We need to go to the hospital," I said, instantly bursting into tears.

"Okay, okay shit," Colby slid out of bed, grabbing his phone and clothes that he slipped on as he made his way over to my side of the bed.

"Colby," I sniffed as he helped me to my feet, and I clung on to him. "I don't want to lose her,"

"I know," He said, his morning voice soothing as he rubbed my back. "I know. But we gotta call Sam so he can drive us,"

"Why can't you drive?" I asked, pulling away from him and slipping on my shoes.

"I won't be able to focus," He said, looking back at me as we left his apartment.

It was when my eyes met his that I saw how scared he was.

I tried seeing if I felt any different, and I called Jake as Colby went into Sam's apartment to explain the situation.

"Jake," I said as he mumbled into the phone, "Jake get up, it's important,"

"What's going on?" He asked, tired like he had just woken up.

"Are you sure that when you came in to do the prank last night that you dumped water?" I asked, holding the underside of my stomach with my free hand.

"Yeah, why," Jake said, "What's going on?"

"I'm bleeding," I said, taking in a shaky breath as Colby and Sam came out of the apartment.

"Oh my god," Jake gasped, "Does Colby know?"

"Yeah," I said as Colby rested my hand on my back, silently rushing me down the hallway to the elevator, "We're going to the hospital right now,"

"Okay. Keep me updated please," Jake said as I hung up the phone, slipping my phone into my gross sweatpants.

"I never even changed," I pouted to Colby, pointing down to my bloody sweatpants.

"At least they're black," Sam said as we made our way through the apartment lobby, over to the parking garage, "Are you in any pain?"

"No," I shook my head as Colby threw Sam his keys.

That didn't last long though. Colby and I rode in the backseat while Sam drove, and about five minutes in, sharp pain shot through my body.

"Sam, can you drive any faster?" Colby asked urgently as I straightened my legs out across the backseat, wincing as another pain shot through the lower part of my stomach.

"I'm trying," Sam assured as I squeezed my eyes shut, trying my best to focus on my breathing.

I felt trapped, and all I wanted was to be out of this position and to be somewhere else where I wasn't in so much pain.

The pain moved from my stomach down lower, leaving me gasping for air as pain tore through my body.

"Colby," I could hardly catch my breath as I tried pushing away from the seat, like it would help me escape the pain.

"I know," He leaned himself against the door more, helping me recline against his body as Sam sped towards a hospital.

The pain was so excruciating that I think I blacked out before we got there.

Colby leaned forward, forcing me back to life and back into hell.

Pain shot through my stomach, causing my face to wince as Colby opened the car door.

Sam opened the door behind the driver, grabbing my hands to help me slide out of the car.

Colby offered to pick me up, flicking offering hands in my direction.

I shook my head, using one of my hands to take some of the weight off of my stomach.

Colby and Sam walked beside me the entire way to the hospital, Colby jogging ahead as we got closer to the entrance to talk to the receptionist.

"Are you okay?" Sam asked as he pulled the door open. I shot him an angry look, causing him to shake his head defensively, "I mean emotionally, not physically,"

"I'm really fucking scared, Sam," I admitted as we walked into the lobby.

"We're all here for you, okay?" He asked, offering me a side hug as Colby walked up to me with a doctor and a wheelchair.

I nodded, covering my mouth with my hand as Colby eased me into the wheelchair.

"So I talked to the doctor," Colby said as he walked beside my wheelchair, "Most likely, the baby will be fine if they hurry up and induce you for a c-section,"

"They're going to cut me open?" I asked, grabbing his hand as he nodded.

"Yeah," He said, caressing my hand as the doctor spoke up, "All we have to do is get into one of the delivery rooms and hook equipment up to make sure the baby is okay,"

"Okay," I took a deep breath, rubbing the bottom side of my stomach to try and ease the searing pain that was consuming it.

I was wheeled into some type of room, most likely the delivery room.

"Alright, ma'am," A new doctor came into the room, handing me a paper gown as he spoke, "Change into this, please, and we can check on your baby and get her out of you,"

"Okay," I said as he handed me the gown, "Are you going to leave?"

"Honey, you don't have anything I haven't seen before," He said with disinterest, "Now, please hurry up so we can help your baby,"

"I'd like you to leave," Colby said sternly, "Or find us a different doctor,"

I looked back and forth between the doctor and Colby, both who looked equally angry.

The doctor dipped his head after a couple of moments, stepping out of the room.

As soon as he was gone, Colby turned to me and helped me sit up.

"I'm sorry," He muttered as he helped me take off my hoodie, setting it on one of the chairs, followed by the rest of my clothes.

Getting on the paper gown wasn't as bad, since I didn't have to move my body around as much.

The pain in between my legs was getting worse and worse.

All I wanted to do was just die.

It gave me some relief whenever Colby slipped his hand into mine, kissing it softly as he sat by my head.

"You got this, okay?" He said softly, a sad smile on his face.

I nodded, looking over at the door as it opened, with the same doctor along with two more coming into the room.

"Alright," The female doctor said as she gently checked in between my legs. "She's about four centimeters dilated," She muttered to the other doctor.

"Push," The same doctor from earlier instructed.

"I thought I was getting a c-section," I said, my heart pounding against my chest as the two male doctors approached Colby.

"Sir, I'm going to need you to step out for a few moments," The other one said, causing Colby's face to fill with rage and confusion.

"What do you mean, I'm staying right here," Colby said, tightening his grip on my hand.

"It'll be very distracting for you to be in here during this," The older doctor explained with a smile, "She's in good hands, we promise. You'll see both of your girls soon,"

Colby looked at me, a war in his eyes.

I knew how much he wanted to stay, but he reluctantly agreed and stepped out of the room.

As soon as the doctors turned around, they were back down at the foot of the hospital bed.

"Push," He instructed again.

All I wanted to do was die. I was perfectly fine if my heart stopped beating and if my blood stopped pumping.

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