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Liz's pov

We hardly had all of the cameras set up whenever Colby came stumbling into the apartment.

Reggie and Elton left about five minutes ago, so there was no way that Colby could have ran into them.

"Hey," I said, pushing myself off of the couch as he leaned into the kitchen counter.

"Hi," He said with a chuckle.

I didn't even need to get too close to him to be able to smell the alcohol on him.

"Oh my god, how much did you drink?" I asked as he reached out for my hand to keep him steady.

"Like, one white claw," He said as I pulled him towards his room.

I was trying my best to get him right to bed so that he wouldn't say or do anything that could make it into the video.

Unfortunately, drunk Colby was incredibly handsy and affectionate.

"Yeah, okay," I said as I rolled my eyes, "Are you gonna shower before you go to sleep?"

"No, fuck that," He mumbled as I flicked the light on in the bedroom.

I guided him over to his side of the bed, letting him fall to a sit onto it.

"Do you want shorts or anything?" I asked, watching as he stood back up and unzipped his pants, pushing them off of his body.

"Yeah," He muttered, trying to get his jeans down past his heel.

I walked into his closet, trying to find a pair of shorts that he would want to wear.

I grabbed a pair off of his floor, and heading back into the bedroom to see Colby dozing off with his shirt half off of his body.

"Colby," I sang, going over and tugging at his shirt to wake him back up, "Come on,"

"What?" Colby hummed, squinting at me with his dilated eyes.

"Here are your shorts. Take your shirt off," I said, trying to help him get his shirt off.

"Ooo," He giggled, grabbing my hands to help him take off his shirt, "I didn't know this is the kind of night we were going to have," He said mischievously, running his hands up my legs.

"We aren't," I said, pushing his hands onto his lap.

I didn't bother trying to help him get his shorts on, which he ended up just throwing on the floor anyway.

I walked across the bedroom to turn the light back off and go back into the bed.

I tried being as far away from Colby as possible, which was very difficult since it was the same bed that he had in the Traphouse.

We fit in it just fine then, tangled together with little care about how close our bodies were.

Now it was different. We weren't together like we were in the Traphouse, and it made me wish that Colby had been sober so that he would be able to be somewhat helpful in this situation.

I had my back facing him, and I could feel the bed dip behind me as he scooted closer and closer.

I felt his hands brush against my stomach before roughly dragging me closer to him in the center of the bed.

"Colby!" I snapped, pushing his hands off of my stomach, "Be careful!"

I forgot how unintentionally aggressive he got when he was drunk.

"I'm sorry," He muttered as I closed my eyes and got readjusted in my new sleeping spot.

The bed dipped again, and I felt his bare chest rub against my shoulder and back.

I opened my eyes to see him leaning over me, looking very emotional, "I'm sorry b- Liz. I didn't mean to hurt the baby,"

"Just be more careful and you won't," I said, having no patience for this adult toddler that I was currently speaking to.

"I'm sorry," He repeated, pulling the blankets down to expose my stomach and began running his hand along my bump. "Is she okay?" He asked, looking at me with a concerned expression.

"Yeah," I said, not sure of how comfortable I was having him be this close to me when he was so intoxicated. 

"I can't wait to meet her, I love her," He slurred, laying back down behind me.

Colby left his ring clattered hand on my stomach, the rings feeling like ice cubes on my skin.

"Me too," I said with a small grin on my face.

It was really nice hearing Colby talk about the baby, since most of the time he fell quiet whenever his friends talked about her.

So even though he was drunk and probably won't remember this, it was incredibly touching.

"Do you love me?" Colby asked after a couple of minutes of me trying to sleep.

"Why?" I asked, turning my head to see him talking with his eyes closed.

"Cause I love you," He mumbled, trailing off.

"But Colby," I said, trying to ignore what my heart was telling me and instead use the logic in my brain, "We aren't together anymore,"

I knew that Colby didn't mean what he said, and that it was only drunk talk.

But it still made my heart ache.

"I fucked up," He said after a long pause.

"I think we both did," I muttered, trying to fight sleep.

He was being really open and honest right now, and I didn't want to waste that time.

"No, I did worse," He insisted, causing me to roll my eyes as he added a quiet, "I miss you,"

"How can you miss me if I'm lying right next to you?" I asked, hesitantly putting my hand on his to twist his rings.

"We aren't close," He sighed before wrapping both of his hands around me and I could feel his bare chest against my covered back.

"We are now," I said, trying my best not to drown in the stench of alcohol.

Colby became incoherent before he fell asleep, which was really nice because now I had the chance to finally go to bed.

I figured that whoever would have brought in the water would have woken me up.

But I woke up the next morning without being woken up by anyone in on the prank.

The only sign that anyone had come in was a text from Jake saying that the water was dumped underneath the blanket.

The bed down by my waist was wet, I could feel it underneath the covers.

I shook Colby away once I had sat up, holding my blankets in one hand and shaking him with the other.

"Colby," I said, mocking urgency. "Colby wake up,"

"What?" He mumbled, not opening his eyes until i said, "My water broke,"

"What?" He repeated, his blue eyes popping open as he stared at me with narrowed eyes.

"It broke, look," I said, lifting up the blankets to show him.

"Um, Liz, isn't the water supposed to be clear?" He said, causing me to look down under the blankets for the first time.

This liquid wasn't clear, as Colby had said.

It was darker, a dark brownish red and there was a generous amount of it.

It was a liquid that wasn't supposed to be there.


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