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Liz's pov

Kat and I have spent all day waiting for Sam and Colby's return.

Anxiously pacing the downstairs, there were multiple times where someone would be coming home and we'd scramble to drop what we were doing to run to the door.

It was getting ridiculous, and it was getting late.

"Liz, I think you should go to sleep," Kat said as I yawned, "I'll wake you up when they get here,"

"I'm not tired," I insisted, causing her to shake her head.

"On a normal night, you're in bed by nine. It's almost two thirty in the morning," She pointed out, and I shrugged.

"If I go to sleep now I'll never wake up," I said, peeking out of the living room to check the door again.

"They should be here soon," Kat said, and I tried my best to make out her figure in the dark, "Corey left to get them a while ago,"

All the lights in the house were shut off, besides the TV that was on pause.

I knew for a fact that as soon as they got here, we would go to sleep.

Hopefully, we'd sleep for a long time and maybe if we got lucky we'd forget this ever happened.

Jake and Corey advised that we tried to get some sleep while Corey went to pick them up, but we were too antsy.

I almost started dozing off again before Kat's body shot off of the couch, racing to reach the door where people were talking quietly.

Kat let out a squeal, and I heard people barreling down the stairs.

I followed her soon after, but she was already barreling into Sam before I saw Colby, busy talking to Jake who had gotten to him before me.

He grinned at me, hardly having time to put his stuff down before I jumped into his arms.

I buried my head into his neck, and he wrapped his arms around me while continuing to talk to Jake and now Aaron, who had come downstairs.

"All of my piercings are out, too. And that kind of pisses me off because it's going to be annoying to repierce them," He said to Jake, and his voice became echoing background noise as I began to doze off again.

They continued to talk for a little while about everything that happened, but eventually Sam cut them off.

"We're really tired guys," He said, "Can we talk about this in the morning after we've gotten some sleep?"

"Yeah, sure. Sorry brother," Jake said as Colby put my feet back on the ground, letting me step away from him. "We just missed you,"

Jake gave Colby a death-grip hug, and Colby accepted it for a couple of seconds before shrugging it off.

"Yeah. I just want to get upstairs," Colby said.

"You just wanna fuck your girlfriend. I see you," Jake teased, winking at Colby.

"I don't think she can even-" Kat began before stopping herself, "Nevermind,"

"I'm too tired," I said, rubbing my eyes.

"This is one of the very few times where I will say that I'm also too tired," Colby said with a half smile.

Sam and Kat led the way up the stairs, Jake following us while continuing the conversation.

"Uh-huh. Sure," Jake teased as we got to the stop of the stairs, "Goodnight brothers, I'll see you tomorrow,"

"Bye Jake," Colby said, looking back at me.

I couldn't even force a grin on my face, I was so tired.

But I was happy that Sam and Colby were home safe.

"You didn't have to stay up and wait for me," Colby said quietly as he pressed the door against the doorframe.

We never had gotten around to fixing the door, so it still couldn't be shut all of the way.

"I wanted to," I said as I went over to shut the lamp off in the corner of the room.

"Yeah but you look miserable," He pointed out, "If this ever happens again I will not leave jail until you get a good night's rest,"

"If you ever go to jail again, I'm going to slap you. That's what's going to happen," I said as Colby slipped off his shirt, catching me by my waist as I went to try and get into bed.

He kissed me, and being that I could fall asleep standing up at any given moment, it took me a second to react to it.

"Do you think you could just forget about kissing me?" Colby asked, sounding fake hurt, "I might just have to go back to Florida after that,"

"Colby," I groaned out, trying to get away from him and into the bed, "Just sleep,"

I watched as he took off his shirt from where I was laying in the bed.

He pulled the blankets out from under me, pulling them over our waists.

His hand reached up my shirt, resting it on my stomach as I closed my eyes.

"Was he good?" Colby asked as I grabbed his hand and laced my fingers around it, pulling them up to rest in between our bodies.

"It's a fetus, of course it was good. And, we don't even know if it's a boy or girl," I said, scooting closer to him as I tried to get comfortable.

"Still, I think he'll be a boy," Colby said, kissing the back of my hand.

"Cassie says it'll be a girl," I mumbled, grabbing the blankets and pulling them over my shoulder.

"My dick my rules," Colby mumbled before leaning over and kissing my forehead.

"Whatever Colby," I said with a grin, "I'm happy you're home,"

"Yeah. I am too," Colby said, his words beginning to blend together as sleep overtook him slowly. "I can't wait to tell you all about it,"

"Yeah?" I asked, reaching for his hand again.

I realized that this might cause an issue. We were both exhausted but just wanted to stay up and talk.

This time, sleep won the game.

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