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Liz's pov

I sat up in the bed as she was talking urgently with Sam. seeing if there was any sign that Colby was out of jail, too.

Wouldn't he have called me?

I reached for my phone, which was plugged into my charger next to the bed.

There was no missed calls or any text messages from him.

I tuned into Kat's phone call, only being able to hear her side of the conversation.

"Are you alright?" She asked, biting her lip.

I almost forgot they were dating, they were just like inseparable best friends.

Their relationship was definitely more mature than Colby and I's, which made sense since they've been together since time began.

"When will you be getting a flight home, do we need to pick you up from the airport?" She asked, her face frozen in concern.

She paused for a moment, listening to what Sam had to say. I made grabby hands for her phone, and she came up from the floor and sat next to me on the bed.

"Okay. Liz wants to talk to you," She said before smiling, "Alright, love you too. Keep me updated,"

She passed the phone to me, and I put it up to my ear, "Sam? How are you? How's Colby?"

"Hey Liz," He said, his voice coated with exhaustion, "I'm okay, They just finished going through the bail process with me, I figured I'd call before I got started on Colby's,"

"Are you paying it, or is he?" I asked, and he replied, "His bond is too high for him to pay, so I'm doing it for him,"

"Thank you," I said before quickly asking, "When will you guys be home?"

"Kat just asked me the same thing," Sam chuckled, and I smiled a little, "Colby's bail should be done by this afternoon, if I get started on it soon enough. So we'll be home tonight hopefully,"

"Tell him to call me," I said, biting my nails. It was a nervous habit that I accidentally picked up from Colby.

"I won't need to tell him. Last time we talked, he was really worried about you," He said, a pause stretching over the phone, "Keep yourself safe, okay? Don't do anything to put you or the baby at risk,"

The first thought that came to my head was that he was referring to a relapse, but I shook it away.

One day at a time, I would recover. And I didn't want to relapse over something dumb again.

"Yeah. I will," I promised, "I'll give the phone back to Kat, now,"

"Okay, Liz. We'll be home soon," He reassured me as I handed the phone back to Kat.

By now, everyone else was awake. It was bright outside, anyway. I checked my phone to see it was almost nine in the morning, which meant that Colby had been sitting in jail all night.

"Was that Sam?" Devyn asked wearily, stretching on the floor.

"My back hurts," Tori groaned, scrubbing her face.

We ignored her, and I answered Devyn instead. "Yeah. Sam's out of jail, and he's just starting on getting Colby out," I said with a grin.

"I'm happy they aren't stuck in there," Cassie grinned.

"I would go fucking insane," I said, "Like, when he gets home I don't know whether I want to hit him or kiss him. Does that make sense?"

Another wonderful feature with this pregnancy update is that I overshare.

Kat and Devyn are used to it, Cassie thinks it's hilarious apparently. And I don't really care for Tori's opinion.

"I get it," Kat shrugged, "I'd definitely feel like hitting Sam if he got arrested for something stupid like fake ID's,"

"Should we tell the boys?" Devyn asked, and Kat shook her head, "Sam said he was calling them afterward,"

After a couple more minutes, the girls slowly started to trickle out of my room. Tori was first, then Devyn and Kat since they basically live here.

"Welp, I think that's my cue to leave," Cassie said, coming over to hug me, "I need to shower. I'm going to come back later or tomorrow depending in how late the boys get in,"

"Great, see you then," I said as she bent down to my stomach. "Be good for Mommy, Cassie Junior,"

"That's not the baby's name!" I shouted, even though I was smiling.

"It will be until you give it one," She said as I got off the bed, following her out of Colby's room.

"We don't even know what the gender is yet," I pointed out.

"I think it's gonna be a girl," She said with a shrug. "My dick is tingling, so it's definitely a girl,"

"You don't have a-" I stopped myself as we got to the bottom of the steps, "You know what, nevermind,"

"Exactly, point proven," She said as she reached for her keys and hoodie, "Love you Liz," She waved before shutting the door behind herself.

I went back upstairs after grabbing some toast to eat.

I picked up the bedroom, tossing all of the blankets in the corner of the room with all of the pillows that everyone used.

I didn't know how to spend my time, I was just so excited for Sam to get Colby out of jail.

A part of me was scared that he got himself into something while he was in jail, whether someone hurt him or he'd get himself in trouble.

I was also nervous that he would forget to call me. I wanted to talk to him before he got home, just to simply hear his voice.

Even though I saw him a couple of days ago, it felt like forever.

Last night, I hardly got any sleep. I felt l had done nothing besides tossed and turned.

At about seven o'clock, I had just finally forced myself into a nap when my phone was ringing.

Instantly, I lunged for it, answering it before pressing it to my ear, "Colby?" I asked before checking the caller ID.

"Hey baby," Even though it sounded like he was smiling, I could tell he sounded distant.

"What the hell?" I asked, instantly breaking down.

One of the many things I hated about being pregnant was how emotional I was.

No matter what, I was angry. I was upset, and it was as if I was personally offended that he was arrested.

Not that I was, but that's what it felt like.

"I know. I'm sorry," He said as I cried, pulling my face away from the phone.

I sat up in the bed, "Are you okay?" I asked, and he tried his best to sound lighthearted.

"I'm okay. You sound rough," He teased gently.

"This is scary," I pointed out, trying to push out a laugh, or some type of positive sound.

"I gotta go, I need to get on the plane," Colby said.

"Why didn't you call sooner?" I asked, biting my nails.

"My phone was dead. I'll see you in a couple of hours," He said before adding an, "I love you,"

"I love you too."

I hardly got the sentence out before the line disconnected.

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