Colby's pov

After Liz and I finally decided to get out of bed, we were in a hurry to pack to leave for Kansas.

I was kind of anxious about it, because I knew my parents were upset with me for going to jail.

Sam and I would have to talk about switching up our content a little bit, now that we couldn't risk getting thrown in jail for a while.

I had put my suitcases in the car, and I was going back inside for Liz's while she was finishing up taking a shower.

I heard someone walking around my room, which was odd because the bathroom door was still closed.

"Liz?" I asked, poking into my room.  It wasn't Liz, instead it was Tori.

She jumped, and she was huddled around Liz's suitcase, and it was reopened with her clothes being strewn around it.

"What are you doing?" I asked, leaning against my door frame.

"I was, uh," She froze, standing up fully to face me, "I was going to help you unpack.  But I didn't realize you packed women's clothing when you went to Florida,"

"That's because it's Liz's, and it's not from Florida," I said with a sigh.

I understood that Tori was just trying to be helpful, but right now it was doing nothing but annoying me.

"Where are you going?" She asked, waving me away from the suitcase as I started to walk over to it, "I'll pack it back up,"

"We're flying to Kansas," I said, and thought about sitting on the couch but decided against it.

"Why? You just got here yesterday," She said, sloppily putting everything back in the suitcase.

Liz wouldn't appreciate that.  I remember how nicely she made sure everything was folded and organized, but hopefully she wouldn't be too upset.

"I have to go home and see my parents," I said as she zipped up the suitcase and stood up, "Please, if you want to try and help me, just ask next time,"

"Okay, sorry," She said, running her fingers through her dark hair, "I was just trying to be more helpful, since Liz really can't do much,"

"That's not your problem," I said, crossing my arms, "I understand that you're trying to help, Tori.  But you're making things difficult.  Just stay out of my room and away from my things, please,"

I tried my best to be polite, but I did feel bad when she looked sad that I didn't appreciate her "help".

She left the room, and I heard her mutter a "sorry" as the bathroom door clicked open.

Liz walked in the room, putting her wet hair up in a ponytail as she looked at me.  "What was that about?" She asked, nodding back to where Tori was walking down the hallway.

"She was trying to help," I said, rolling my eyes, "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah," She nodded, and I couldn't help but give her a once-over.

Even when she was wearing only sweatpants and a hoodie, she still was hot.  It was like she was effortlessly beautiful, even with her smudged makeup that didn't fully come off in the shower.

I grabbed her suitcase, following her out to my car.  My brother would pick us up, just like last time when we came for Christmas.

The drive to the airport was mostly filled with Liz excitedly talking about seeing my parents.  My mom and her got along so well, it was like they've known each other for years.

When we came home for Christmas, she did nothing besides hang out with her.  Maybe it was because her mother wasn't doing very well, so she wanted a strong bond with some other motherly figure.

The airport wasn't overly busy, since there was no special event that meant everyone had to go fly and visit people.  This was great, because Liz started getting antsy as we were going through airport security.

We only had to wait an hour before our flight was called, and we basically slept the entire three hour flight to Wichita, where Gabe would be waiting for us.

Liz and I did our best to get off the plane and get our luggage quickly, but this plane had to be stuffed to the fullest.

Liz groaned as left the airport, waiting for Gabe's green Jeep to pick us up.  "Baby didn't like the plane ride," She mumbled, rubbing her stomach.

"Are you okay?" I asked, not really sure of what I could do to help her, "Maybe you could take a bath or something when we get to the house,"

Pregnancy was its own journey, and there were very little things I could do to make it easier for her, besides offer her comfort and whatever snacks she wanted.

"Yeah," She sighed before pointing out at one of the cars, "Is that your brother?"

I squinted, studying the Jeep for the stickers that Gabe decorated the back with.

"That's him," I smiled, walking over to the Jeep and popping the trunk, throwing the suitcases in it before shutting the trunk and sitting in the passenger seat.

Liz sat in the back behind Gabe, who looked at me with a very blank expression, "What?" I asked, "Did I do something?"

"No," He said with a smile, "I was just trying to be serious with you.  But I can't, we can leave it up to Mom and Dad,"

He began driving, heading towards our parent's house.  I was unsure if he would be staying there while Liz and I were visiting, but it was unlikely.

"Are they mad?" I asked, resting my elbow on the windowsill.

"Not really.  They knew it was gonna happen one day," Gabe shrugged, "But how was it?"

"My experience wasn't that bad, to be honest," I said, "But that doesn't mean I recommend getting arrested.  There's a lot of legal shit we have to go through now,"

"I bet," He chuckled, "You really put yourself in a hole, Cole,"

"Yeah, yeah," I couldn't help but smile at Gabe.  He was very lighthearted, and I couldn't think of a time where he was truly serious about anything.

A short fifteen minute drive later, Gabe was pulling into my parent's driveway.

"Where are they?" I asked, noticing how their car was not in the driveway.

"They went out to get food to make for dinner tonight.  They should be home soon," He said, parking the car.

I got out, grabbing the suitcases for Liz and I.  She was following Gabe up into the house, most likely looking forward to getting into the house and relaxing.

"Do you remember where our room is?" I said as I caught up to them, and she nodded.

"I think so.  I just want to get in the shower though," She said as I followed her up the stairs, "Airports are so gross,"

"Yeah I know," I said, "Do you want me to bring you your clothes?"

"If you wouldn't mind," She said, turning around as she stepped into the bathroom.

I gave her a quick kiss on her forehead, "Of course,"

I walked into my old room, and unzipped her suitcase on my bed.

It was so messy from Tori's rummaging.  I did my best to find some type of pajamas for Liz, but I felt a ziploc bag as I dug through.

I figured it was her toothbrush and toothpaste, since she put all of her little necessities in ziploc bags.

Instead, it was white and yellow-ish powder. At first, I was just guessing it was some type of makeup.

But in reality, it really could only be one thing: meth.

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