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Liz's pov

"I thought you were done smoking," I said, staring at the messages that Colby had sent to his weed girl.

"Just because you can't spark doesn't mean I can't either," Colby said, plucking his phone out of my hand.

"It has nothing to do with that," I said with a sigh, "That shit's not good for you and you know that,"

"Why can't you let me just live my life, Elizabeth?" He asked.

"When are you going to realize that you need to grow up?" I asked, "We have a baby on the way and ever since you got home last night, you seemed to have forgotten that,"

"I never forgot," Colby insisted, causing me to scoff, "I'm only twenty-two. I can't put my life on hold for a baby who isn't even here yet,"

I didn't expect for something like that to come out of his mouth. 

He has been so supportive since we had gotten together, and this sudden switch up has been a serious slap in my face.

"I can't even look at you right now," I said quietly, holding my hand up as I looked away, "Get out of my face,"

"What are you talking about?" He asked, "I'm not in your face,"

"Why don't you go and talk to your old school friends and update them on your life?" I suggested sarcastically, laying back down on my side, "Don't forget to mention how you abuse your girlfriend and don't give a shit about your kid,"

There was no response from Colby, only footsteps and the bedroom door shutting.

It didn't take much for me to start crying.

Between being exhausted, my hormones, and Colby being a dick, I had enough fuel to keep the waterworks going until it was completely dark outside.

I felt like something was missing here, that there was something going on with him that I was simply excluded from.

Why couldn't he talk to me? What was his problem?

Until we had gotten here, Colby was normal. It wasn't until he saw the bag of meth that he went crazy.


I sat up in the bed, flicking on the bedside lamp before sliding across the bed to my suitcase.

I dug through everything I had in that suitcase, only to come up with no sign of the bag.

Which meant Colby still had the meth. If that bag spilled open at all, there was a chance he could have accidentally got some in his system.

If he was high, it could have caused a sudden change in his personality.

"Shit," I quickly snatched my phone off of the bed, dialing Colby's number.

It rang three times before Colby answered the phone.

"Hello, who is this?" A muffled, deep voice answered the phone.

"It's Liz," I said, "Where's Colby, and who is this?"

"I'm Nate," The guy said, "He's in the other room, I'll bring you to him,"

"Thanks," I said, listening as they had a quick exchange before Colby said, "Hello?"

"Babe I need you to come home," I said, tapping my fingers on the footboard of the bed.

"Why? What's going on?" He asked, "I'm kind of in the middle of something,"

"It's pretty serious, Colby," I said, and I closed my eyes as they began to sting.

I seriously hate being emotional. I never really cried before I was pregnant, but now I felt like that was all I did now.

"Shit, okay," He groaned into the phone, "I'll be there in a second, I'm only down the street,"

"Okay," I said, not giving him a chance to properly say goodbye before I hung up the phone.

I was too anxious. Between Colby having meth on him and possibly rekindling with some old buddies to get high, I was nervous that he was accidentally setting himself on the wrong path.

Colby and I's relationship was crumbling, and fast too.

I had no idea if I could guarantee we could survive bringing a baby into this world.

We were too secretive, too obsessed with ourselves to understand the big picture.

If we couldn't get over these bumps in the road, there would be no chance for us to have a healthy relationship.

I cared about Colby very much, but I could feel my resentment towards him growing with every passing hour.

A couple of minutes passed before Colby bursted into the bedroom, the door smacking against the wall behind it.

I stood up to meet him, sniffling while reaching into his hoodie pockets.

"What's going on?" He asked, sounding out of breath as he gently grabbed my arms and I patted down his chest and hands.

"Where is it?" I asked, panic searing through as I realized that Colby didn't have the bag on him. 

"Where's what?" He asked, "What are you talking about?"

"Meth," I said, looking up at him, "What did you do with it?"

I caught a whiff of something familiar as I stared at Colby's red-tinted eyes.

"I got rid of it," He said quietly, "I threw the bag down the sewer drain on the corner outside of our house,"

"So why are you high?" I asked, knowing damn well that Colby got blazed while he was over visiting his buddy Nate.

"I was just meeting up with old friends," He said, "They wanted to smoke, so we did,"

"You said you were going to stop," I cried out helplessly, smacking my hand down onto his chest.

"And I will," He said, "But not right now,"

I groaned, covering my face with my hands. "I'm sorry, Liz," He muttered, kissing my forehead.

He slid his hands off of my body, and I heard the door click shut.

I let my face go to see Colby slipping off his shirt, throwing it on the floor.

"Let me make it up to you," He whispered as he closed the space between us, making my heart sink.

This is exactly what I didn't want to happen.

I didn't want him near me.

So I surprised myself anyway and said, "Okay."

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