11. Bilbo | Glasses I

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 Relationships: Bilbo x You (Modern girl in Middle Earth - with glasses)

Content: Fluff, angst

Summary: Finding yourself in Middle-earth with a dwarves' company is hard enough, so losing your glasses in a fight against the trolls is even worse! Lucky for you, Bilbo is here to help ...


"I'm not a Hobbit!" you say more surprised than angry. "Small, big feet, pointed ears. I don't think I'm wrong when I say you are," Gandalf says, the grey wizard you recognized at a glance, looking down at you. "So what are you if you're not a hobbit?" "I-I am a human... well normally..." you explain, confused while looking around you.

Standing on your now big, hairy feet, you observe around you. The lands are dry and particularly inhospitable. Then, you look at yourself and find that the only thing you have left from your world are your glasses. Even your bra has been replaced by an equivalent from Middle-earth. Plus, you are the smallest of all the people here!

"Are you lost?" a voice asks, nothing like a dwarf behind Gandalf. "Do you know that you are in the middle of the Lone-lands? It's a far from safe place. Very far even!" "She may be separated from her family," a young dark-haired dwarf says. "Certainly a trap," another dwarf begins. "To lure us somewhere and steal all our money."

As you look around, the thirteen dwarves of Thorin's company examine you intensely; each one more suspicious than the next. You try to understand the situation and how you got here, but the more you think about it, the more your headache gets worse.

"Calm down! I don't think she's going to do anything to us," Bilbo interjects. "I've never heard of a hobbit attacking travellers. She is scared and alone here." "Which is most suspicious," Thorin replies with a serious voice. "I'm lost," you start, rubbing your head." Whether you believe me or not, I have no memory of how I got here. And I won't do anything to you. I don't even have a weapon. Can I just go with you until you get to a town? Then, you'll get rid of me."

If the company is in the Lone-lands, the next - unwanted - destination is Rivendell. Until then, you will have time to think it over.

"Nothing happens by chance," Gandalf says. "I think we better keep her with us. We're not going to leave her here alone, though. She wouldn't survive after dark."

Is he saying this to convince Thorin or is it the truth? A tremor runs through your body at the thought of dying on the first night in Middle-earth. You let them chat for a while until Thorin agrees that you stay with them.

When the company found you, the sun was starting to move closer to the horizon. So, the camp for the night was organized where they found you. In no time, the fire was on and the meal was over. You then realize you have nothing to give them, plus you have no equipment for the night. You sit next to a large rock and watch the campfire flames in the distance.

Four big boots stop in front of you, and you lift your head. Fíli and Kíli smile at you and sit down next to you. Fíli then hands you a bowl.

"Here. Eat while it's hot." "I'm not going to take your dinner," you sigh, feeling your stomach growling. "I have nothing to give you in return ..." "If we have enough for fifteen, we have enough for sixteen," Kíli smiles. "T-thank you ..."

You take the bowl and devour the contents. The two young dwarves stay next to you and Bilbo ends up joining you. He realizes he hasn't introduced himself yet so he gives you his name and does the same for the dwarves and the wizard. Talking with Bilbo is easier than with others. Little by little you start to smile again during your discussion with him, Fíli and Kíli.

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