65. Haldir | For You

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 A One shot with haldir, when he discovers that his human wife is pregnant ?


"There! That's better! I guess."

For the hundredth time, you straighten the candle sconces and water color illustrations of blue princess verbena on the white-gray parlor walls, then stand back and critique your work. Not surprisingly, you're still not satisfied with their placement.

Taking a seat in your favorite birch chair, you look around, wondering why everything looks right, but nothing feels right.

The home you share with Haldir, reminiscent of the surrounding Elven forest, has simple elegance. Slender crystal vases filled with white tulips grace several tables. Arched thresholds of grapevine are appointed with sheer flowing fabrics of cream and sage. Even the hard lines of the wood and marble furnishings are softened with the addition of intricate filigree accents, many of them love affirmations in the lovely Quenya script.

And yet, you have an inexplicable desire to move things around, almost as if you're preparing for.....something.

Six months after your intimate wedding under a star-filled amethyst sky, this urge overcomes you with no obvious source.

Admittedly, things have been a little topsy-turvy over the last few months, ever since Lady Galadriel asked you to become her scribe. Stress, even associated with something positive, tends to wreak havoc with everything from your your sleep patterns to your eating schedules.

You've never gone this long without your monthly cycle, though. Nor has your equilibrium felt so off.

You don't mention the missed bleeding with Haldir. It's probably nothing. But he has caught you more than once in the midst of a dizzy spell.

One evening, he sees you start to sway from across the bedroom and comes up just in time to wrap his arms around you. He uses the moment to place a line of feathery kisses down your neck.

"Hmm," he says, facing you again, "I've never made a woman of men faint before."

"I wasn't fainting. Just moving too fast." Feeling less woozy, you serve him a cheeky grin. "Besides, I'm sure you've made many Elf maidens swoon."

"None that I am aware of, my lady."

"You're much too modest."

"It's the truth. I'm only interested in making you swoon."

And he is, just by standing there. But you don't let on yet.

"So, if I had been fainting," you say, "which I most certainly wasn't... I would be your first?"

He brings his hands to either side of your face, holding you delicately, looking at you earnestly.

"Yes. But more importantly, you're my One."

The night ends with both of you spent in each other's arms, your sweet talk turning into silly secret sharing. Turns out, he's not as fond of lembas bread as other Elves. And his fine archery skills initially started out as pure, dumb luck.

You reveal that you used to feel sorry for Elves, because immortality seemed "dull." Now what you wouldn't give to live forever with him, instead of him relinquishing his precious gift to be with you.

When you'd asked him why he would do such a thing, he told you he would gladly move heaven and earth for you.

The fact that he couldn't literally do that made no difference whatsoever.

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