67. Faramir | Fury

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having a pet wolf who protects Faramir from Denethor || 

Wringing his hands every now and again, Faramir is noticeably on edge about the dinner guest you've brought with you, sitting obediently under the long marble table, only to rise or make a peep when you give the command.

Unless she feels threatened in any way, that is.

Faramir was never 100 percent fine with Fury joining your first dinner with the Steward of Gondor, but he settled some of his nerves by remembering how quiet she usually was, even around tempting food.

But when she growled upon stepping foot on the grounds - seemingly at nothing in particular, just the atmosphere - Faramir's jitters took off and never looked back.

You hadn't seen Fury do anything like that before. You knew it couldn't be because of anything you or Faramir did; she took a liking to him when she first met him a couple of weeks ago, much as you did.

Once inside the dining room, she did it again. You commanded her with a sharp "Zzzt!" and her ears went back as you sat down, resting the length of her tether in your lap.

She lay on her belly on the floor, crossed her front paws on top of your shoe, and rested her head on top of them.

Now Faramir keeps glancing sideways at you, then at the entryway, saying he doesn't fear what his father will say to him, but to you, when he discovers your wolf's presence.

"Maybe he won't notice," you offer.

"He will." Suddenly Faramir stands and you follow his lead. "He's here."

Accidentally bumping the table, Faramir knocks over his water as his father comes breezing in, clad in gray garb, including a stunning silver-black wolf pelt that makes your skin crawl.

"Wonderful way to get our meal started. With a mess," Denethor grunts, taking his seat and motioning for you and Faramir to sit down.

Fury lets out a snarl so low you can't hear it, but you feel the vibration through your shoe. You softly tap the foot up and down three times: Silence, Fury. This is a friend.

I think.

Two servants come in from the kitchen with silver-domed platters. One of them notices and quickly sops up the water with a towel, then they both begin serving the meal.

You stealthily pinch off a piece of lamb from your plate and toss it to Fury, then tap your foot once. No more for now.

She settles her head back down, licking her chops.

"Father," Faramir says, after all the clanging of platters stops, "I'd like to introduce -"

"No apology for the spill?"

Faramir swallows, embarrassed. Another wave of warning from Fury rolls through your foot.

"Please pardon my clumsiness," Faramir says humbly.

"I have come to expect nothing more from you."

Your wolf fidgets and lets out a soft whine but you mask it just in time by scraping your fork across your plate.

Fury does not like this man. And neither do you.

New to Minas Tirith and a new friend of Faramir's, you don't know a lot about the golden haired man except he's very kind to you, despite a hole in his heart.

All he's said about his father is he "misses my brother terribly" and that "no one can take Boromir's place."

Fury sure loves him to pieces, and enjoys playing with him in the soft grass.

Faramir takes his father's insult with a humble smile and continues his introduction of you. You nod to the older man, tell him what an honor it is to meet him, and offer your thanks for the pleasure of dining with him.

"Do you always bring dogs to the dinner table with you?" Denethor asks, ignoring your niceties.

Faramir's lips part and his eyes freeze open as he looks over at you.

So much for Denethor not noticing.

"I do apologize, my lord. I feared that Fury would whine too much for my neighbors' liking if I did not bring her along."

"She is whining too much for my liking."

Now it's your eyes that freeze open. "You can hear that?"

Denethor sits back in his seat with a cluster of grapes in his hand and looks at you smugly.

"I only assumed as much. What dumb beast wouldn't whine around such a spread? And you have confirmed it."

He bites into a few grapes at once, tosses the remaining ones back onto his place, then stares at you while he chews.

"I knew she was here," he continues, "because I saw the tip of her tail from under the table as soon as I entered the room."

"Again, my apologies," you say, holding his glare. "She'll remain perfectly silent for the rest of the meal."

"You are correct." Denethor moves closer to his plate again, takes up his fork and starts stabbing at his lamb. "Because she is leaving."

"Father, if I may-" Faramir starts.

"You may not. Silence."

Fury rumbles once more, and stands up. You nudge her paws, but she moves closer to Faramir, sits down in front of him, and continues her angry wolf-muttering in Denethor's direction.

"You will remove her at once," Denethor orders you.

No. That is not going to happen.

You're willing to help Faramir, who has shown every courtesy to you, deal with a person who has shown absolutely no courtesy to him, his own flesh and blood.

"I am afraid her removal is not up to me, but her master. Faramir."

You flop the tether into Faramir's lap. He looks at you in shock; Denethor looks at you with disdain.

"Why have you given him a dog?"

"A wolf, to be precise, my lord. Her name is Fury. She is very protective of him, and loves him dearly. She won't let anything, or ANYONE, hurt him." You pop a grape in your mouth. "Ever."

"You said she was your dog... wolf."

"Actually I only indicated that she stayed at my home. I trained her there, to be a helpful companion and loyal protector, and now she is Faramir's." You trade a look with your shocked friend. "She won't leave his side so easily, I'm afraid."

"Fury? Why is she so named? Is she undisciplined?" Denethor asks, smirking with cockiness when Fury barks at his comment.

"On the contrary, my lord. Fury is simply what she responds to with ferocity when there is a threat to her or those she loves. Fury, no matter how it is masked."

You take a long drink from your cup, surprised by your own sauciness and wondering how dearly you'll end up paying for it if he decides to take revenge.

Denethor eats a few bites of his lamb, looking horribly distracted as Fury grumbles.

He abruptly slams his napkin to the table and storms out of the room.

"Why are you doing this?" Faramir asks as soon as his father exits.

You call to Fury, and she emerges from the table, taking her seat between you and her new master. Faramir gives her a loving pat on her beautiful silver-black head, and she nuzzles his knee.

"Because you clearly need her more than I."

Faramir gives you an appreciative smile.

"You just take care of her, Faramir...." You stop when you see Denethor reappearing at the grand doors, minus his pelt, looking at you like he wants you murdered, until the wolf zeroes in on him and bares her teeth with a loud growl.

"...and Fury will take care of you."

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