40. Haldir | Reflections

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Hey lovely! I'm in love with the way you write and I believe that Haldir is an amazing elf and needs more attention so could you please write one about him doing a night shift and finding the she elf he's been admiring for a while in the gardens and he scares her but they end up being all fluff and sweet? ☺️

Words: 878 || Characters: Haldir x Elf Reader || Genre: Fluff, romantic fluff


Your keen hearing shut out everything but the trickle of the diamond stream and the gentle splashes that your tickled toes made in the water.

This was your favorite place in Lothlorien - part of the gardens, but secluded from them, slightly overgrown but breathtaking in its wildness. It was more calming and sensual than any place you knew.

You welcomed the serenity and your shameless puttering with open arms. Forging Elvish weapons took a skill, patience and attention to detail that was draining on the mind and harsh on the body.

And it was lonely. Though undeniably important, your duties weren't among the more glamorous livelihoods in the wood. Everyone was always polite, but no one made eyes at the Elf with perspiration perpetually on her brow.

What you wouldn't do to feel caring arms wrap you around you, to hear the hum and reverence of your name in your ear, to gaze at two reflections in the stream.

You silently cursed yourself. You were independent, talented, and never lacking in work. You truly loved your autonomy, the fierce beauty you crafted with your own hands. How you hated these moments of silly longing! It was the one effect that this spot had on you that you did not like.

But you had to admit, the alienation of your work was making you seriously consider taking the choral master up on his warm offer to become a member of the ceremonial musicians, who played and sung for Lady Galadriel, Lord Celeborn and visiting guests. He had long been impressed with your harp playing - something you grew up learning but never fell in love with - as well as your exceptional singing voice and powerful range. Here in your haven, you practiced it discreetly.

"That is quite a beautiful melody."

Pivoting on your dry foot to face the surprise visitor, you teetered and arched back, waving both arms to regain your balance.

Something strong saved you from falling into the stream.


"I did not mean to frighten you," he said through a nervous smile. "I was on patrol nearby and I heard singing..."

You caught your breath and nodded once, terribly embarrassed. Haldir was always kind to you and generous, but for some reason, seemed a tad shy around you.You had long wanted to spend time with him, just not so clumsily.

"That did not look very elegant, did it?" you said as the marchwarden released you.

Haldir looked upon you with admiration and something else you could not place.

His soft eyes just stared at you for a moment. He had looked forward to such an encounter for a long time, and now that it was here, he was tongue-tied.


"You are the portrait of elegance."

It came out perfectly.

And then he decided to add, "Master Smithy."

Your facial expression went from pleased to confused to somewhat disappointed.

"That is, Lady Blacksmith," he jabbered on. "My Lady...Master lady...Ladysmith..."

You touched the hand that had been around your waist.

"Just call me by my name," you said.

He blew out a breath and grinned, grateful that you didn't run off screaming from his lack of grace, and that you seemed to understand – or were at least willing to tolerate – his jitters.

"So, what brings you to this little retreat?" he asked, taking a seat with you on the stone bench and watching you gingerly touch your toes to the water.

You shocked yourself as you opened up, feeling no embarrassment about gushing over this spot, the magic and love you felt from it, how it made you want to sing - and cry.

"You have a lovely voice," he said, the hand dangling behind you suddenly coming across your back and resting on the other side of the bench.

You thanked him and told him you were considering joining the choristers.

He stretched his neck back and studied you.

"But you're such an excellent smithy."

"Thank you."

"Joining the singers - is that what you want?"

"Not especially."

He resumed his closeness to you, which was closer than before.

"I want..."

This part was more difficult to share. You looked into the water and found the courage to be honest. "I want to be with others. To have and share some closeness. To have more friends."

You swallowed, then finished: "I want love."

Haldir looked at his boots and listened to the water. Courage overcame him, too.

"But you have love," he said softly.

And for the next five minutes, there was absolute silence.

The stream came to a standstill. The nightingales hushed. Nothing stirred, nothing buzzed, squeaked, or tweeted.

"Are you speaking of my parents?" you asked at last.

Haldir was no longer fascinated by his boots. He looked at you.

"While I am certain they love you, no, I am not."

You glanced briefly at the water, felt a surge of confidence, made a wish, asked yourself a question: was this the moment you had dreamed of? Was this actually happening?

You answered by bringing your face to his and kissing him.

Your arms embraced him, and Haldir held you close but not too passionately, not wanting to move too quickly and crudely, and asking his own questions. Was this a dream? And if it wasn't, did you also love him?

You pulled away only to take a breath.

Haldir repeated your name three times, as if it had the power to save his life.

"You already have all you desire," he said. "I have just been too timid to tell you."

You stroked his soft, golden, long locks. "And I have been too blind," you said.

Then you kissed him again, and placed your head on his shoulder, melting in his protective, loving arms around you, and gazed at the two perfect reflections in the water.

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