18. Thranduil | Allow me to rectify my mistake

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Hello. May I request a sweet thranduil x reader fic where the reader is thranduils new queen, his second love he's been blessed by the Valar to have been given, and they both love each other madly but thranduil is not the kind of man that openly displays or talks about his affection so he seams cold. His new wife,the reader, is touch starved having lived with no true love untill finding thranduil and is always open with her kind loving heart and emotions so his lack of emotional displays begins making her think he regrets her or she isn't making him happy. Maybe this hurts her so much she begins to feel unloved and sick. I read somewhere elves can become sort of sick or super depressed when they are overwhelmed with feelings of abandonment or something like that.

Anyway others start to notice the happy glow she use to always have and bubbly personality begins to diminish and they tell thranduil there concerns. He has noticed it but doesn't know what's wrong. Untill he confronts her openly about it mistaking thinking she was this way because she disliked being his wife. Then when he finds out it's because he was not being loving enough to her he instantly begins making up for it and from then on he makes sure she feels very loved.

Doesn't have to be nsfw but maybe a makeup apology love scene could be thrown in. Like I said not necessary.

word count: 2.2k

Allow me to rectify my mistake

You sat in the shade in the royal gardens, your dress splayed about you as you glanced over to a pair of pale blue butterflies that were dancing in the warmth of the sunlight, following each other through the gardens. Something that one would have brought a small smile to your lips only made you sigh, eyes cast downwards as they brimmed with tears. These little things only made you upset now, it was the same reason why you wore sleeves long enough to hide your wedding ring from sight.

Your attendants had brought you to the gardens in the hope that the vast array of flowers in bloom and the warmth of the summer sun would lift your spirits a little. They were worried about you, you knew, but you had no energy to continue to hide your sorrow, allowing yourself to succumb to it instead.

You had been beyond ecstatic to marry the Elvenking of Mirkwood, even if the marriage was arranged. You had met him a handful of times across the years, encountering him at councils or events that required either of you to cross the distance between the vast forest and Rivendell. His looks, grace and confidence had been the first things to win your heart and in your courtship before being wed, you had grown to fall in love with his mind, his sweet touches and gestures.

You were Thranduil's second love and he was your first. His simple touches had fed a part of you that you had never known was starving until he had given you a taste and now you found yourself famished again as he hardly spent any time with you. You came to the conclusion that the courtly gestures had been to quell any doubts that people had of him before your marriage But they had abruptly stopped shortly after the wedding and now you felt like an intruder in his home. He never spoke to you about his feelings and left you to wonder what was in his heart. Did he see you as someone forced upon him? Forced upon his aching heart that mourned his late queen, his first love and the mother of his son? Were you merely an intruder to him in this marriage? Such ideas gnawed at your insides, hollowing you out like a ravenous beast until there was only room for the sorrow that they left in their wake.

You were falling victim to your despair already: you only wanted to be loved by the King that you had been beyond lucky to wed and instead he had only made it clear that he did not reciprocate your feelings. It was so rare for an elf to fall in love twice that you felt ridiculous for ever having thought that he could return your feelings.

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