32. Thorin | Golden Spirit II

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Reader is a hybrid (elf and a dwarf) shunned by both is brought under the mountain as Thror lovingly offers the orphan asylum. Grows to be his favourite amongst his people.after Smaug- thorin seeks her out demanding help in his quest to reclaim erebor because of her combat intelligence and magical healing abilities.Only for her to die horrifyingly in botfa. Reincarnated as thranduil's sister.Finding Thorin as an age old rival in business


October, 2015

Thorin slowly and groggily peels himself away from the limbs flopped over his nude body and rolls over toward his nightstand, grasping in the dark for his buzzing phone.

It hasn't shut up for three whole minutes.

A quick press of a side button lights up the screen, temporarily blinding him in the gradient gray of his cavernous bedroom.

He sits up and quickly reviews the onslaught of texts and emails from early-rising news reporters and some of his company's antsy investors. Each message has a succession of questions following an embedded tweet:

 Each message has a succession of questions following an embedded tweet:

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"Oh, SHIT!"

Thorin stomps his foot to the floor, resisting the urge to throw the phone against the wall.

Thranduil had recently promoted his sister to her new position so he could share the work burden in order to spend more time with his new bride.

Sounded like a lot of bull to Thorin. And what's with that hipster title, 'co-CEO'? What's wrong with just making her the chief, or the COO, like Dis? And while Thranduil's at it, perhaps he should keep her away from the press, or at least school her in his art of pretending competition doesn't exist.

He curses again, and his lover stirs.

"Is that any way to greet the morning, by cursing?" yawns the sleepy voice beside him.

"That's how I greet 300 messages before I've had my coffee."

"Hm. Someone is awfully needy."

"It's work," he answers. Thorin keeps his phone in one hand and flips the covers off him with the other. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he shuts the phone off and replaces it on the nightstand. The dim night light from the master bathroom helps him see the taupe wall in front of him.

"I don't care who it is. I just need the buzzing to stop so I can sleep."

Thorin sighs at his own indecisiveness on what to say next. Sometimes he thinks he wants her to stay, sometimes he's certain he wants her to go. Truthfully, he's not certain which option will help him feel less drained.

"Don't you have an early breakfast meeting across town today?" He keeps his tone soft, and hopes he sounds sad that she has to leave, although he is fully aware how rude the question is.

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