30. Thranduil | A scholar in the royal library

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Tumblr : kiatheinsomniac

pairing: Thranduil x human! Reader

word count: 5k

warnings: NSFW, smut, finger sucking, oral (male receiving), gagging, choking, mutual orgasm, praise kink, size kink (if you squint), tiniest bit of degradation, Thranduil and y/n bitching about people together


You idly tapped your pencil against your little notebook, swinging your foot under the long table where your legs were crossed, your face steeled to avoid scowling at the stench of the man beside you, the Master of Laketown. You had originally been thrilled to be asked to travel into the Elvenking's halls to reevaluate trade between the Woodland Realm and Lake Town after a particularly harsh winter had passed. However, you soon discovered that only one of your scholarly skills were of interest to the Master: he wanted you to write down anything that was said about him in Sindarin, you being the only person in Lake Town that was fluent enough in the elven language.

You couldn't speak the elven tongue yourself but could understand it through a lot of reading, self-teaching and listening practice when trade occurred between the men of the lake and the elves of the woods – you insisted that it wasn't eavesdropping if it was for educational purposes. The Master of the Lake was terrible company and you were dreading the journey back to the town with him – he also stank of piss and you were glad for the little vial of perfume that you had brought with you, having swiped just a drop under your nose to try and drown out his awful scent with the smell of pansies.

Knowing you would be in the presence of royalty, you had donned your finest dress – light grey cotton with a square neckline that was decorated by a trim of glittering glass beads along the neck, cuffs and skirt hem – and a single string of pearls with matching earrings dangling from thin silver chains, inherited from your late grandmother. It was nothing particularly extravagant, especially not in comparison to the silver and icy blue robes of the Elvenking that glittered in the light of the hanging lamps and flowed with his movements like a brook, but it was the best you had.

You had been introduced as an assistant, making both you and Alfred scowl – he was prideful in his job and wouldn't have people think that he was performing poorly enough to need a woman to help him do it and you were far too intelligent to be an assistant, you were a scholar. In fact, you owned the only library in Lake Town and would collect any and all books you could get your hands on through trade, having read all of them at least once. Your type were few and far between in a place like Lake Town.

You had been filling the time with doodling some of the elves sitting around the council table, finding that you had been drawing the Elvenking the most – perhaps it was because he was the most beautiful at the table.

You almost let out a sigh of relief when a brief recess was called and the Master left the room with Alfred to go into the adjacent room where it had been announced some food and wine were being served. You must have finally let your face contort in disgust at the awful smell that wafted into your senses as he walked by because, seconds later, your ears were met with low laughter and your head snapped up to see the Elvenking standing on the other side of you, looking down at you. You stood to your feet and bowed your head in respect.

"It truly is a terrible smell, is it not?" He began with a frown on his lips as he watched your Master and his real assistant cross the threshold of the door. You were a little shocked that a King was making smalltalk with you but you had no desire to deny him – perhaps he was merely using you to see if he could get some more information out of you. You were sure that even an elf could die of old age in the time that it took the Master to actually get his points across in a conversation.

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