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One-year-old Peter Virginia Anthony Stark just got up from his sleep, rubbing his brown eyes after hearing a loud noise coming from outside. He looked around and saw that Pepper and Tony were not there with him on the bed.

"Look what you've done!" A voice which sounded like his dad's came from outside.

"It was his strategy!" Another voice screamed but it wasn't too familiar.

The voices kept screaming at eachother and Peter started to cry loudly as he was getting scared and his parents weren't there.

"Great! You've woken Peter up!" Another voice said, it was a female voice but not his mom's.

"Petey Pie. Good morning, come on kiddo." Tony said as he entered and picked his crying son up and tried to make him stop.

Peter didn't know how to speak, the only words he could say though are 'mama' and 'dada'.

Natasha, Thor, Strange, Steve, Clint and Bruce were watching Peter from the door and even made funny faces at the boy.

"Dada." Peter said as he slowly calmed down and saw many other familiar looking people standing at the door.

"Look Petey, your aunt and uncles are here." Tony said as he took him out.

"Good morning Pete. How was your sleep?" Strange asked as he sat beside Tony on the couch while Peter was sitting on Tony.

Peter just gave his uncle Strange a sweet smile as he played with his Cloak of Levitation.

"I think we interrupted his sleep." Thor chuckled as he ruffled his brown hair.

"Sorry Peter." Natasha said as she bent down infront of the boy.

Pepper came in from the main door and greeted everyone while Peter giggled at the sight of his mom.

"Mama!" He screamed hoping up and down using Tony's hand's support.

"Good morning my baby." She said as she carried Peter from Tony and took him to change him out of his Avengers pajamas.

"He's a blessing in my life." Tony said to his friends.

"The cutest blessing you mean." Clint said as he rested his back on the couch.

Pepper came down with Peter, who was wearing his orange and red striped tshirt and jeans dungaree.

"I'm going back to office now so happy baby sitting." She said as she gave Peter to Tony and left while giving him a kiss.

"Bye Peps." He said as she left along with Happy.

"No more noise now people! Little kid's sleeping." Steve declared not knowing that he accidentally said it loud enough to wake Peter up again.

Everyone gave him a WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?! Look while gave them a nervous smile in return.

Peter got down from Tony's arms and stood up while talking support from the coffee table. He climbed on it as Tony helped him and the Avengers just watched him crawl on the table and stop when he saw Thor's hammer.

"Can he lift that?" Strange asked.

"I don't know." Tony replied.

Peter stood up again, this time using the hammer as his support but it got pushed away and Peter fell down from the coffee table and began to cry again.

"Hey, Petey Pie, it's ok." Tony said as he carried him but the Avengers were more shocked to see that he actually moved Mjölnir.

"Oh my me!" Thor exclaimed.

"Tony, this guy's worth." Clint said.

"See buddy, you're worthy. Stop crying please." Tony said as Peter stopped crying after a while and pointed at the waffle maker.

"You're hungry aren't you?" Tony asked in a baby voice and put Peter on the couch while he went to make waffles.

"Anyone else?" He asked.

"Me!" They all said at once.

"Strange, little help please?" He said.

"Coming!" Strange replied and they both prepared waffles for everyone.

Peter started to giggled and laugh as he saw his dad approaching with his favourite meal.

"Dada! Dada! Dada!" He began to scream in excitement as Tony gave him his share.

Tony had a smile glued to his face as he watched his son eat and laugh and giggle. He had never imagined that this little kid could bring him so much joy. The Avengers too were very happy to have Peter around as no matter how hard the mission, whenever they hung out at Tony's place they get greeted with a little boy filled with joy and happiness which he spreads.

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