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Strange, Steve, Natasha, Thor, Clint and Bruce had to baby sit three-year-old Peter while Tony was at a conference in Los Angeles.

"Tony, I need the exact time of your return." Strange asked Tony over the phone.

"What for, Sherlock Holmes?" Tony joked.

Strange put the phone on speaker and Tony heard Peter screaming in a crying voice, "I want my daddy now!"

"Got it?" Strange said.

"Just tell him that I'll be back soon." Tony replied.

"Don't you think we'd tried it already!?" Thor said as he tried to calm Peter down while Natasha tried to divert his attention using his Tom and Jerry plushies.

"Give him the phone, please." Tony said.

"Pete, it's daddy." Strange said as he handed the phone to Peter.

"Daddy! Come home daddy!" Peter screamed as he continued to cry.

"Hey, Petey Pie, stop crying, sweetheart I'll be back before you know it okay? I love you, bye." Tony said as a loud crash was heard behind him and he hung up.

Peter began to cry even more loudly and Clint came in the living room with all of Peter's toys to make him stop but he slipped on the toy Red Bull Formula One car and fell.

"Does anyone know how to stop kids from crying?!" Bruce asked as he brought some milk but Peter refused to drink it. The Avengers exchanged glances but no one but Tony knew how to handle Peter when he cries this badly.

"I'm just worried if he gets breathless." Bruce said as he carried Peter.

"What do you mean!?" Steve said.

"He had asthama when he was small." JARVIS answered.

"Can you play something which he likes or some soothing music or a  lullaby?" Strange asked.

"I'll check if Tony keeps any stories to read to Peter." Bruce said as he looked at the book shelf and saw mostly books about physics, chemistry, maths and lots of other stuff but not any kind of kid's stories.

"Check in Peter's room, you idiot!" Thor said.

"Don't make me Hulk out!"

"Forget you'll, I'll go!" Strange said as he opened a portal and went in Peter's room He picked the nearest book and came back. They all sat on the couch with Peter in the middle and Strange handed the book over to Natasha to read.

"How do you expect a three-year-old to understand Macbeth!?" She asked while showing him the book.

"My bad. Wait one minute." Strange said as he went back and this time he got a book on Cars 2 and came back.

Steve began to read the book and after reaching half of it, he realised that Thor and Clint are paying more attention and Peter had cuddled himself in Strange's Cloak of Levitation and is fast asleep. The Cloak's owner, however was busy reading the book he accidentally brought and Natasha and Bruce were reading other books which were on the table.

"Let's put him in his room." Steve said as he got up.

They put Peter in his toddler bed and put his blanket on him before leaving the room. They returned to the living room and sat on the couch as Client turned the TV on. They began to watch the news but Loki came in, changing his form from one Avenger to another and greeting them in a irritating way.

"Loki! We already had a busy day, don't irritate us!" Thor said.

"Come on brother, you know I can't resist."

"Dude, please, we're very exhausted right now." Strange said.

"Doing what?"

"Babysitting Peter." All of them said at once.

"Babysitting? That's so easy."

"How?" Natasha asked.

"All I have to do is shape shift to Tony and done!" Loki replied.

"Alright! Here's a bet! If you can handle Peter without shape shifting into Tony or anyone else then I will tell that you can handle everything infront of all the people of Asgard." Thor said as he stood up.

"Deal!" Loki replied, how could he resist the bet.

"You gotta wait, Pete's sleeping." Clint spoke up.

They waited for sometime but Peter came down and into the living room.

"Daddy?" He asked thinking that his daddy had returned.

"He's not come yet Pete but uncle Loki has come." Steve said.

Peter gave Loki a hug, that's something he basically does to everyone and Loki carried him and put him back to sleep while looking at Thor with a smile.

What in the names of Asgard did I just do!? Thor thought to himself but his goodluck returned when Peter stared to cry again and Loki struggled to calm him down.

"Ok! Ok! I give up! Help!" Loki said after ten minutes of trying to calm Peter down. The Avengers tried their best to calm him down but Peter just wouldn't stop crying.

Strange showed Peter many amazing mystic magic but that didn't help. They all tried different tricks but non worked.

"What's happened to my son!?" Tony said as he stood beside the main door and saw his friends doing all sorts of stuff to calm Peter down.

"Thank God, you're here!" Strange said.

Tony rushed to Peter and carried him from Bruce and tried to calm him down. After about five seconds of hearing Tony's voice, Peter got up and hugged Tony tightly.

"Daddy! I had a nightmare that you don't come back and I'm all alone!" Peter said while still sniffling.

The Avengers were relieved to hear that it was just a nightmare, they thought that something happened to Peter.

"Petey Pie, let me tell you one thing; no matter where or how far I go, I'll always come back to you and that's a promise." Tony said as he wiped the tears off his son's face.

"And never think that you're alone." Strange said.

"We are with you." Thor said.

"To protect you." Natasha added.

"We won't leave you." Clint assured.

"Never!" Steve added.

"And don't worry about me, I'll trouble everyone else except Peter." Loki said.

"I love you all!" Peter said as he gave each one of them a hug.

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