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Tony came back from another mission and was waiting to meet his six-year-old son. He had promised him that he'll return with a suprise and was sure that his son will love it. Peter had a spider incident few weeks back and ever since has troubles in controlling his spider powers.

He entered the house and saw Happy waiting for him but the look on his face could tell that something bad happened.

"What's wrong and where's Peter?" Tony asked.

"He's in his room and um.....some kids bullied him I guess so he hasn't come out of the room no matter how hard I tried."

Tony rushed up the stairs and knocked on Peter's door. There was no answer, only the sounds of sniffing and coughing were coming.

"Pete, it daddy. Please open the door." Tony said hoping his kid will open but he didn't.

"JARVIS." Tony said.

"Lock opened." JARVIS replied.

Tony came in and saw webs everywhere, he looked around the room but couldn't find his son anywhere. He looked up and saw Peter with his face on a pillow on the ceiling.

"Peter, you do know that if you cry and cough then your ability to stick on the ceiling goes." Tony said as he caught Peter, who was about to fall on the ground while still crying. Tony carried his crying son and sat on the bed with Peter on him.

"Now tell me, what happened?" Tony asked softly as he ruffled his son's hair.

"I fell down from the big slide after Flash pushed me and got my knee bleeding." Peter said and hugged Tony tightly.

Tony immediately looked at Peter's right knee and saw that the whole knee was bleeding and the pant was torn.

"Didn't your teacher do anything?"

"Flash told her that it was a accident and she believed it."

"Why didn't you ask the nurse to call me or uncle Happy to pick you up?"

"It was few minutes before home time."

"Why didn't you tell anyone?"

"I am supposed to be strong like you."

"You know what? You are so strong!"


"Yes my boy, now come on, let's apply medicine, shall we?"

Peter nodded and Tony carried him to the bathroom and it hurt his heart to see his son going through so much pain. He removed the torn pants and applied medicine on his knee before wrapping a white bandage on it.

"Daddy, do I look like a Egyptian mummy?" Peter asked.

"Nope, those mummies are covered top to bottom with these."


"You should asked your uncle Marc or Steven to tell you. They know it best." Tony said, giving his son a goofy smile and making him laugh.

"It's hurting."

"I know sweetheart, it'll take sometime but you'll be better soon. By the way, I have a surprise for you."



"I love you daddy!"

"I love you too Pete."

Tony carried Peter out and showed him his Spiderman (or Spiderboy for now) suit. Peter hugged his daddy tightly,
"This is awesome!" He said.

"I designed it myself."

"That's why it's the best!"

"So, first day of training is after your leg gets better."


Peter was so happy when he and Tony returned home after Spider-boy's first apperance as Iron-man's helper. Tony didn't reveal that he is Iron man or his son is Spider boy since he wanted Peter to become a little older.

They were greeted by Strange, Natasha, Thor, Clint, Bruce and Steve at Tony's place.

"Congrats on your first day of being a hero." Strange said.

"He's the youngest and cutest amongst us." Natasha added.

"Pete, wanna play arrows and webs later?" Clint asked.

"Sure!" Peter replied.

"Oh, no, we are not having that game again!" Bruce said.

"Why? They seemed to have fun." Thor asked.

"You ever asked Loki's opinion in Get Help? And please no." Tony said.

"Ok daddy." Peter replied. He was obedient to his dad.

"So how was school today?" Steve asked.

"Not bad, there was a new boy in school, Max, he was being bullied and I stood up for him. We're friends now!" Peter replied with a wide smile.

"Very proud of you, my son." Tony said as he made Peter seat on his shoulders.

"That's very nice." Natasha said.

"I bet that bully won't mess around if he knows who Pete really is." Thor added.

"I know." Clint said as he continued to drink his juice.

After the party and all Avengers left, Tony put Peter to sleep and the boy refused to let him go. Tony had no choice but to sleep next to his son, he didn't mind it at all. He just watched Peter fall asleep while holding Tony's left hand and he ruffled his hair with his other hand.

More than owning the richest company and being a great superhero, he loved his son more than anyone or anything.

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