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Tony and Pepper reached the school to pick their 5-year-old son, Peter up. They walked towards the building but Peter spotted them and ran towards them.

"Daddy! Mommy!" He said as he hugged both of them.

"Hey budo, how was school?" Tony asked as he ruffled Peter's messy curls.

"Good! And next week I have to dress up in blue." The boy said.

"Dress up in blue?" Pepper asked.

"Good afternoon sir, ma'am." Peter's teacher, Miss Thea said.

"Good afternoon." Tony and Pepper replied as Tony carried Peter.

"Next week we have a concert and our class is performing about the rain and rainbow, we've picked seven kids for each colour of the rainbow and Peter is the colour blue."

"That's nice and will we get the costumes or will you'll provide?" Pepper asked.

"I have it right here with me." Miss Thea handed the costume to Pepper. It was a full sleeves satin blue tshirt and a matching satin pant and the letter 'I' printed in silver on the tshirt.

They went back home and while having lunch Peter didn't stop rambling about the concert and the practice.

"I'm between Meryl and Carl for our performance." He said as he ate his sandwich.

"So you're ready?" Tony asked his boy while applying chocolate spread on another bread.


"And you remember your lines?" Pepper asked.

"The rainbow colours don't have anything to say. The others have." Peter replied.

"I guess your teacher knew that you get nervous." Tony said.

"I know. Thank God I didn't get any other role. This one's perfect." Peter finished his last bread.

"Have another one Pete." Pepper placed a third slice infront of him.

"Mommy, I'm full." The boy said.

"You just had two. Atleast have half." Tony said and Peter ate exact half of the bread and ran to play.

"Daddy can you call the other Avengers for my concert?" Peter asked Tony as he entered carring his teddy bear.

"Why don't you tell them?" Tony replied.

"I can?"

"Ofcourse you can. They obviously listen to you." Tony replied.


In the late evening, Pepper had gone to pay a visit to one of her friends while her husband and son were at home. The Avengers had come over and were discussing about few of their previous missions.

"You almost got yourself killed." Strange said to Steve.

"We were there to catch you." Natasha added.

As their discussion continued, a smile ball came rolling down from the stairs can on it was written,
Can I ask now?

Tony picked it up and said,
"Guys! Pete wants to say something. Come along son!" Tony called out and all the Avengers stayed quite and sat on the couch.

Peter came down and stood infront of them but got nervous and ran and sat on Tony. Tony wrapped his arms around him and the boy started,
"I have a concert on the 27th which is next week. Will you'll come?"

"Sure!" Strange and Clint said.

"What are you performing?" Steve asked.

"I'm the fifth colour of the rainbow, which is also my favourite colour. Blue!" Peter replied, still sitting on Tony's lap.

"Cool." Thor said.

"I'm going to enjoy it." Bruce said.

"Show us your costume?" Natasha said.

"Nope. Suprise." Peter replied.

Very soon 27th came by and the Avengers along with Peter were in the school's auditorium. Tony and Pepper had dressed up Peter in the school's changing room and they looked good in blue.

"Remember, don't get nervous." Pepper said as she put powder on Peter's face but the boy kept pushing it away.

"Is that much necessary?" Tony asked Pepper.

"Ofcourse." Pepper put the power in her purse and held Peter's left hand while Tony held his right and they took him back to his class and they joined the others in the auditorium.

The concert soon started and they were two other classes before Peter's but their's didn't take time. Soon Peter's class entered and immediately the Avengers started to record the performance which was awesome. The rainbow kids just had to stand and move together while the others dressed as clouds had to talk and move about.

After the performance, Tony and Pepper went to get Peter, who was happy as ever. They along with the Avengers went to the beach for a picnic and Peter got to keep his costume as Tony requested his teacher to let him keep it because he looked very adorable in it.

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