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7-year-old Peter Stark was in his school playground with his class for the games period. They were playing Lock And Key and Peter was continuously being nagged by his classmates to give the Key to someone but Peter couldn't run that fast an would mostly be caught. Peter didn't have any friends in school and even if he tried to make, no one would expect the friendship offer.

"Hey Peter! Can't you do just one thing!" Flash screamed. He was the fastest amongst all of them and never misses to free the person who he wanted to.

"I'm trying!" Peter replied.

"Try harder! Go and free Nick!" Flash said as he took Peter out of the hiding place and made him run along with him.

As they approached, Flash realised that the keeper was coming towards him. He turned around and pushed Peter aside to run away but Peter twisted his right palm on the cement wall beside him and fell on his palm, further injuring it. Peter began to scream in pain, his hand hurt badly and wasn't moving.

The teacher, Miss Ruth, ran up to him and helped him up but the boy began to cry in pain, the pain was so much that he had never experienced before. Miss Ruth took him to the nurse's office and the nurse examined his hand.

"Sweetie, your hand seems broken." The nurse said.

"I want my daddy!" Peter cried while his teacher tried to calm him down.

"Ok, I'll call your dad." Miss Ruth said as she went and came back with Peter's stuff while the nurse called Tony.

Tony was busy in a meeting with the Avengers in his tower and as Thor was about to reply to Steve's question, Tony's phone rang.

"JARVIS, who's call is it?" Tony asked.

"Boss, it's Peter's school's nurse."

Tony picked his phone and put it on speaker as the Avengers also wanted to know why the nurse called suddenly.

"Hello, Mr Stark?"


"This is the school nurse speaking. Peter injured his right palm during games and it seems to be a fracture. He wants to to pick him."

"I'm coming right now!" Tony said as he picked his keys and bolted out leaving the Avengers shocked at the news.

He reached the school within few minutes and saw his son crying and holding a ice pack.

"Peter! What happened kid?" Tony said as he ran towards him and carried him.

"Daddy! My hand's hurting!" Peter cried.

"Okay, Uncle Bruce is waiting ok, we'll check." Tony said as he thanked the teacher and nurse and took his son home where the Avengers were waiting for him.

They went to Bruce's floor and Peter sat on Tony's lap and hugged his daddy tightly as Bruce checked his hand. Tony was hugging Peter with one hand and ruffling his hair with the other hand, Tony and Peter shared the same eyes and many more similarities. The Avengers were heart broken to see Peter in so much pain.

"It's ok Pete, you have two doctors here who will make you ok in no time." Clint assured.

"One for the nervous and other for.... almost everything." Thor added, refering to Strange and Bruce respectively.

"Tony, Peter has a hairline fracture on the bone below the thumb and the muscle also seems damaged. He'll need to wear a plaster, for three weeks." Bruce said. Tony's heart broke on hearing the news. He never wanted his boy to undergo so much pain.

"You mean that glove type plaster?" Thor asked.

"Yeah." Bruce replied.

"Daddy, will my hand be okay!" Peter asked with tears in his eyes.

"Yes, very soon." Tony assured him as Bruce put a plaster on him which covered his whole palm, exept the fingers and it reached till the wrist.

"Pete, wouldn't you mind us writing something on your plaster?" Natasha asked, hoping to distract the boy from his pain.

"You can! Daddy first!" Peter replied. Tony smiled and took a red and yellow marker and drew the Iron-man energy blasters on his palm and the boy was happy.

Thor drew his hammer, Steve his shield, Clint, his arrow, Natasha her symbol, Strange his symbol and Bruce his symbol as well.

"I love you all!" Peter said as he hugged each of them and went back to Tony.

They went home and Pepper rushed to her boy.

"Peter! Oh my God are you ok?" She said.

"Yes mommy! Draw something on my plaster please." Peter said as he hugged his mommy and made puppy eyes.

"I'm not much of a artist but will a smiley work?"


Pepper drew a cute smiley near Tony's drawing and Peter gave his parents a hug.

"You're a good artist." Tony told Pepper.

"Really?" She asked.

"Yep!" Peter replied.

Few days and Peter couldn't use his right hand at all, but the boy wanted to write and draw so he practiced writing with his left hand and with complete dedication like his daddy he was able to write the alphabet and numbers. Tony and Pepper was very proud of their boy that he didn't give up because of a small fracture on his hand.

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