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"Boss, Peter seems to be crying!" JARVIS said, waking Tony up from his sleep and he bolted to into his nine-month-old's room.

Tony saw Peter crying in his toddler bed while pushing the pillows away. He picked his crying son up and tried to calm him.

"Hey, Pete, it's ok kiddo, dada's here." Tony assured him as he slowly opened his brown eyes and Tony ruffled his brown hair. Peter had the most cutest curls and the brightest eyes.

"Dada." Peter said as it was the only word he could say.

"Yeah, come on let's sleep in dada's room." Tony replied as he took Peter in his room and put him to sleep and surprisingly Peter didn't get up till 10 the next morning which made Tony wonder what happened suddenly to him.

Tony was preparing to go to office when Strange entered.
"I'm here." He said.

"Peter's in his room and I'll be back by 3 o'clock. Thanks for your help." Tony said as he put his suit on.

"I too enjoy my time with Peter, there's nothing to thank." Strange replied.

"Bye." Tony said as he left.

Strange sat on the couch and turned on the news and after few seconds Thor came in.

"Where is Peter?" He asked.


"Kids have weird sleep timings."


Thor sat next to Strange and he told him about the cat plushie he brought for Peter. They were talking about more stuff when Natasha came in,
"Alright, I'm here. Which one of you called me?" She asked.

"Not me." They replied.

The lights went out suddenly and Peter started to cry loud enough to get the attention of Bruce, Clint and Steve who were going down.

"What happened!?" They all asked as they burst in.

"It just Peter who is crying." Natasha replied as they all went upstairs to Peter's room and Strange picked him up but the boy refused to stop. The curtains in his room were stopping the light to enter which turned the whole room into a vampire's lair.

They brought him in the living room where the light was coming and the boy stopped crying after sometime and started to laugh and giggle looking at his friends.

"Is he afraid of the dark?" Clint asked.

They all gave eachother a confused look while Steve went close to Peter, who was still being carried by Strange. He closed Peter's eyes using his palm and the boy started to cry once again.

To the Cloak of Levitation, it was like Steve was scaring the boy so it smacked Steve on the head.

Clint and Bruce burst into laughters while Thor pulled the smacked soldier away.

"The cloak hates you now." Natasha said.

Peter saw all the Avengers laughing and started to laugh too. They played for sometime and Tony soon arrived with a bag in his hand.

"Dada!" Peter screamed as he crawled to Tony and the latter picked him up.

"What's in the bag?" Bruce asked.

"Blue glow in the dark stars." He replied.

"What for?" Thor asked.

"I asked JARVIS to tell me all the times when Peter cried at night and I realised that mostly he cried because his sleep broke and it was dark. So I thought of putting these little stars which shin throughout the night and see if cries again."

"Tony, he actually does get scared of the dark." Strange said.

"Then I guess I did a good thing by getting three boxes, each with thirty-three stars so it's ninety nine in total." Tony replied as Peter tried to reach for the bag.

"Steve got smacked by the cloak!" Bruce said as he once again burst into laughter.

"Oh come on!" Steve groaned

"What?" Tony asked.

"It's a long story." Clint said.

"Sit down and we'll tell you." Natasha said as she pushed Tony to the couch and they told him everything while Tony couldn't control his laughter.

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