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13 year old, Peter Stark was in the lift to reach his home, he lived with his single dad, Tony. His day didn't go well, as he almost failed but passed by just one mark. The only subject that Peter has to break his head to learn was Chemistry and no matter how hard he tried he could never get full marks, he would either fail or pass by just few marks.

Peter had studied way more than his capacity and had worked very hard but the result wasn't good. He didn't want to face his dad as he had promised him that he will get good marks but these aren't good according to him. He lift reached but when Peter exited it, he saw not only Tony but all the Avengers.

My bad luck can't get more worse.
Peter internally groaned and tried his best to hide his sad face but Tony saw him.

"Hey bud, how was school?" Tony asked.

"Nice." Peter said but he walked fast to reach his room but Tony spoke,
"Come over here."

Peter was left with no choice and stood infront of the couch where the Avengers were sitting.

"Is there a problem?" Strange asked.

"You look tensed." Thor added.

Peter was sweating badly so much so that JARVIS turned on the AC to cool the boy.

"Pete, if there's a problem, you can tell." Tony said.

"Problem? Th... there's no problem daddy, I'm going in my room." Peter said, he tried to make his voice sound as normal as possible but the sadness and frustration was coming on the way.

"Peter Anthony Stark, there has to be a problem. Look at they way you're shivering." Steve spoke up.

Peter couldn't control the sadness and he ran towards his room with tears falling out and closed the door but he didn't realise that he had dropped his physics textbook on the floor. Tony picked up the book and a page slipped out of it, it was a physics test and Peter had scored full marks in it and had got five stars from the teacher.

"If he aced this why is he acting like he screwed up?" Natasha asked.

Tony went to his son's room and knocked on his door.
"Petey Pie? Sweetheart please open the door."

"I........I'm sorry, daddy." Peter's voice sounded like he had been crying.

"Sorry for what Pete? I'm very happy and proud that you scored full in physics." Tony said.

"Not about that. I screwed up Chemistry!" Peter started to cry even louder and Tony made JARVIS open the door lock and he entered.

Tony saw Peter lying on his bed and he had buried his face in the pillow. He went and sat near Peter and ruffled his brown hair,
"Hey, stop crying Pete and tell what happened."

Peter removed the chemistry test from the bag and gave it to Tony and buried his face in the pillow again. Tony saw the marks and understood the whole story, despite of a whole day of breaking his head with chemistry, the result wasn't fruitful.

"Look Petey, not all days go as expected and this is just a test. You don't need to cry so much for it."

"But I wanted to make you happy by getting full marks in both, physics and chemistry but I got only in physics." Peter said and he lifted his head up but tears were still flowing out of his brown eyes.

Tony made him sit on his lap and the boy rested his head on his dad's chest and Tony wiped his tears and the other Avengers joined them.
"Pete, I'm happy, very happy because you tried more harder than ever for the chemistry test and that is what made me happy. Physics I know that you are the master." Tony said and he kissed his cheek.

"Really?" Peter asked.

"Yeah. And to be honest, I also screwed my chemistry up." Tony said and began to tickle his son.

"Same here, I hate it but I was the topper in biology." Bruce said.

"Me too." Natasha said.

"Me three!" Clint added.

"What even is that thing!?" Thor asked.

"A subject straight from hell." Steve said.

They all made Peter feel better soon and he also told them how he always is the best of his class in physics and maths. Tony was happy to see that Peter was feeling better and thought of teaching him chemistry himself but he needs to brush up.

In the late evening, all of them gathered in the garden to celebrate Peter's full marks in his physics test.

"Daddy, I promise that I'll try harder to ace chemistry." Peter said.

"You've already tried your best and these results are way better than last time's and I've seen much improvement." Tony replied.

"Physics is the best." Peter said.

"I know, even I used to ace every single physics test and exam."

The father-son spoke more about the two subjects and even joked about how they would struggle hard with the difficult subjects. The Avengers were watching them and decided to join in the talk with their tales and they had a nice walk down memory lane about their school days.

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