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Tony and the Avengers were in a meeting at his tower and it had gone slightly out of hand.

"You do know the consequences of that right?" Clint asked Steve.

"Ofcourse I do!" Steve said.

"Then how can you say that it'll work?" Strange asked.

"Steve, it's too risky." Tony added.

"But it's the only way." The captain argued.

"There has to be another way!" Natasha said.

Tony was about to prove his point, when the lift dinged and Tony's eleven-year-old son, Peter came in wearing his yellow coloured number 10 football jersey. Peter had joined the football team of his school's yellow house and after defeating the green house, had reached the final match against the red house which would take place in a week.

"Hey Pete, how's school?" Tony greeted his son but the boy just threw himself on the couch.

"Daddy, I can't be a good striker." Peter said but his voice sounded like he was crying.

"Who told you that? I've met your house captain, Merlin before, he's a good mid teen with all the good qualities that a good leader should have." Tony asked Peter.

"It's the red house striker, Flash. He says that I never was able to score a single goal and the only one I scored was because our captain shot the ball towards me and I was next to the goal." Peter replied.

"And your captain didn't do anything?" Strange asked as Tony carried Peter and wiped his tears.

"He stood up for me. He's the only person in the whole school who stands up for me." Peter said.

"Sounds like a good person." Thor said.

"He's got all good qualities." Bruce added.

"Look, just because Flash said that doesn't mean that it's true." Tony spoke up and he patted Peter's back.

"But I scored only one goal." Peter said.

"Something is better than nothing." Tony replied.

"We'll help you practice." Steve said.

"Yeah, we'll train and show that guy who's the best football striker in the school." Natasha added.

Peter smiled and they left their meeting halfway and went to the garden for practice. Tony showed his son how to dribble and dodge the opponents while Bruce stood as the goalkeeper, Natasha and Steve as Peter's teammates and Thor as the defender and Strange as the referee.

"So Petey Pie, try to go past Uncle Strange and pass it to Uncle Steve or Aunt Natasha." Tony said and passed the ball to Peter.

Peter did as instructed and was doing good until Bruce stopped his ball.

"BRUCE!!!" All Avengers screamed.

"I was doing my job." Bruce said.

They practiced more throughout the week and very soon, Peter was confident enough to score many goals to make his dad, Avengers and captain proud. Soon the day of the match arrived, the Avengers also came to watch the match.

Tony went to drop Peter where his teacher and teammates were there. They were few feet away when they heard two boys, one wearing a yellow jersey and another one in red.

"I told you not to take Peter. You'll lose this match." The boy in red jersey said. He was Jeff, the red house captain, he was a muscular fair bid teen with blondish black hair and green eyes.

"You don't need to tell me who I should take." The other boy, who was the yellow house captain, Merlin replied. He is a slim, tall, fair-skinned fifteen and a half year old with short, silky dark brown hair with bangs and sapphire blue eyes.

Jeff went to his team while Merlin saw Tony and Peter approaching and went to great them.

"Hi, Mr Stark. Hey Peter."

"Hey Merlin, all the best for the match, hope you'll win." Tony said as he kissed Peter's cheek and went back to the grandstands and joined the Avengers.

"Merlin! I've practiced all week!" Peter said.

"That's nice. Just believe in yourself and you'll be unstoppable." Merlin said as he bent down and took Peter's back pack from him and kept it with the others.

Peter's favourite person in the whole school was Merlin. The boy was very, gentle, patient, encouraging, energetic, caring, loving, helpful, selfless, honest and many more good qualities.

The match started and the red house was overpowering the yellow house but their captain was not letting that affect his team. The red house scored two goals but instead of being frustrated, Merlin was calm and kept on encouraging them.

After the halftime, Peter managed to score a goal with a little help from Merlin and his dad along with the Avengers were shouting from the stands. Jeff noticed that the yellow house was getting the upper hand after scoring another goal and he stepped on Merlin's foot and the boy screamed in pain.

The match was halted and when the nurse came to inspect, Merlin had blood flowing heavily out of his foot due to the studds of Jeff's shoes. Merlin had to retire from the match and a substitute was brought in but before leaving the ground he told Peter,
"Score the winning goal and show the whole school that I did the right thing by letting you in the team while the whole school opposed it."

"I promise." Peter replied and Merlin sat on the side seats.

The match restarted but the yellow house was little out of shape after their captain had to leave but he kept encouraging them. The ball reached Peter after lots of struggles and in the last one minute of the game, Peter scored a goal, a marvelous goal. The whole crowd cheered for the yellow house and Peter. Tony had tears of joy in his eyes as was Peter; Merlin was crying the most as his team ran towards him and gave him a bear hug.


During the prize giving ceremony, Merlin didn't go alone to receive the trophy like Jeff but Merlin took his whole team to receive it. The captain got to keep the trophy while similar ones were given to the other teammates.

Tony clicked a picture of Peter and Merlin before they congratulated eachother and the father-son duo along with the other Avengers went to celebrate.

"Thank you everyone!" Peter said as he sat on Tony.

"You're welcome." They replied.

Peter did leave a suprise for Merlin, which was a self made keychain which had their picture and the words,

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