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Seventeen-month-old Peter Stark was playing with his teddy bears while watching BABY'S DAY OUT on the TV. The toddler also wanted to have a day out but not alone or with three kidnapers after him, he wanted his dada, Tony, to come with him.

"I want to go out!" The toddler cheered.

"You can't go out alone. You need your dada to come with you. He's the only family member you have." JARVIS said.

Tony entered and removed his suit and was about to go to change in his room but Peter crawled up to him and the man carried his kid up.

"Dada! I want to go out!" Peter said.

"Out?" Tony asked in confusion.

"Yeah, I want to go out with you like him." Peter said as he pointed at the baby in the movie.

"Peter, it's night now but I promise we'll go out tomorrow."

"I love you dada!"

"I love you too, Pete"

Tony fed Peter some cereal and put his boy to sleep but the boy didn't want to let his dada leave him alone in the toddler room so Tony let Peter sleep in his room along with him. Peter was holding Tony's thumb tightly while he was looking out for places where he could take his baby boy for a amazing day out. After sometime of thinking, he had made the best outing for his boy.

The next morning, Tony entered the room and woke his sleepy boy up.

"Petey Pie, get up sweetheart." He said softly. Peter got up and fell asleep again on Tony's lap.

"Peter, I have a surprise for you. Get up sleepy boy." Tony said again and made Peter sit up and carried him down after changing his diaper.

"Dada? What is the suprise?" He asked.

"We're going for a day out!"


Tony put Peter in a red tshirt and a blue jeans dungaree and Tony wore a similar red tshirt, blue jeans and a black jacket. He then put Peter in the car along with a extra pair of diapers and a bottle of milk.

He adjusted the baby seat so that Peter gets a glimpse of the road and played some of Peter's favourite music and watched him laugh and wriggle. They stopped at Dunkin Donuts and bought four chocolate doughnuts with colourful sprinkles and went to the park to eat.

Tony made Peter sit on a bench and they ate the doughnuts while Peter had chocolate all over his face. Tony kept smiling at him and even clicked his picture. They stopped at a hotel for lunch and after that they and got ice cream before going to the park.

Peter ran towards the slide and climbed up and said,
"Dada! Try to catch me!"

"Ok bud come down." Tony encouraged his son.

Peter giggled but as he went forward to slide down, he slipped and fell on the slide which sent him into Tony's arms but the boy was so scared that he started to cry. Tony took him back to the car to check if he didn't get hurt but he did get a scratch on his left foot.

"It's ok, Pete, it'll be fine." Tony assured Peter, who was still crying at the sight of his foot had turned red.

"It's hurting dada!" He said.

Peter calmed down after a while and Tony took him to the beach.

They enjoyed the most there as Tony was holding Peter while the toddler dipped his feet in the water. Peter collected seashells from the sand and gave it to his dada, who kept it carefully his pocket.

"Dada, look at this!" Peter said as he showed Tony some seashells.

Tony smiled at his boy and put all the shells in his pockets as Peter went to collect more

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Tony smiled at his boy and put all the shells in his pockets as Peter went to collect more. Peter kept picking up seashells but when a wave touched his feet, he giggled and laugh which would result in him dropping the shell.

After almost three amazing hours at the beach, they prepared to go home.

"Thank you dada! You are the best! I love you most!" Peter said as he hugged Tony and the latter picked him up and took him to the car.

"I love you more!" Tony replied as he started the car and drove home but they stopped for to change Peter's diaper and get cotton candy.

They returned home and Peter didn't stop rambling about it to the Avengers who had come to meet Tony.

"You seem to really like the beach." Strange said.

"Yeah! Dada made the best day out!" Peter said.

"I'm happy you liked it." Tony said.

"Like it? I love it!" Peter said as he crawled towards Tony and sat on his lap.

Peter began to eat his cotton candy and his mouth became blue and pink after he finished and all the Avengers chuckled at the sight of him.

Peter yawned and fell asleep in Tony's arms and Tony excused himself and put his baby to sleep in his room and removed the seashells from his pockets and put it a jar on the bookshelf.

"Sweet dreams son." Tony whispered softly and kissed him on the forehead and left the room.

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